Turtles Tracing Worksheet

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While it might not seem like a big deal to adults, for kids, tracing lines is an important way to build fine motor and early handwriting skills. Download this tracing curved lines PDF worksheet to help your future writer build some big skills!
Through this worksheet, your child will: 
• Sharpen fine motor skills 
• Improve hand to eye coordination 
• Practice proper pencil grip 
• Practice beginning writing skills
Work with your child to ensure that he or she is using proper pencil grip, and is correct wherever necessary. While completing, make sure your child traces carefully, trying to trace over the lines as smoothly as possible. This will help strengthen fine motor skills as well as help your little learner build the coordination necessary to begin writing!

Required skills:
To resolve this worksheet, students should know how to grip a pencil correctly and be able to trace curved lines. They should also be able to focus on carefully tracing the lines and try to do so as smoothly as possible, in order to strengthen their fine motor skills and coordination.