Distinguish between Long U and Short U - Lesson for Grade 1, Chapter - Vowel Sounds

In this engaging lesson titled "Distinguish between Long U and Short U," first-grade students will delve into the fascinating world of vowel sounds, specifically focusing on the letter U. This lesson is a crucial component of the Phonological Awareness unit, under the broader chapter on Vowel Sounds. Through a series of interactive activities, including the "Letter U," "Long «u» Sound Worksheet," and the "Long and Short U Worksheet," students will gain a comprehensive understanding of how the pronunciation of the letter U changes its meaning in words.

Learning to distinguish between long U and short U sounds is vital for developing reading and spelling skills. The ability to recognize and differentiate these sounds will enable students to decode words more accurately, enhancing their fluency and comprehension. This foundational skill lays the groundwork for proficient reading, which is essential for academic success across all subjects. By the end of the lesson, students will not only have mastered the distinction between long U and short U sounds but also why it's important in the context of English language proficiency.

Estimated classroom time: 10 min
Chapter: Vowel Sounds
Unit: Phonological Awareness
Click on any activity below to start learning.
4:00 min
Letter U
Letter U
3:00 min
Long «u» Sound Worksheet
Long «u» Sound Worksheet
3:00 min
Long and Short U Worksheet
Long and Short U Worksheet
Share your lesson with students by clicking:
  • Activity 1 / Letter U

  • Activity 2 / Long «u» Sound Worksheet

    Your child will find the bright and cheery pictures in this free PDF worksheet fun and engaging, and they'll practice differentiating between words with the long and short «u» sounds. They'll strengthen fine motor skills tracing circles around the appropriate words, and they'll learn to notice patterns (silent -e to make the «ū» sound) in closed-syllable words. It's a quick confidence builder for new readers!

  • Activity 3 / Long and Short U Worksheet

    Liven up your next lesson on long and short vowels with this entertaining printout! This worksheet uses reading, listening and coloring-in to teach your students the difference between long and short «Us». First, get the children to read the words «tube» and «tub» one after the other, making sure they hear the different «U» sounds. Then reinforce what you have taught them by letting them color in the words and matching pictures. This is a great tool for injecting a bit of fun into your phonics class.