Short Notation of Moves Worksheet - Answers and Completion Rate

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Tasks in the Worksheet:
To make a short notation of a move, write the name of the piece and the square it moved to. BD2 means that a bishop moved to square D2. You don't need to write the short name for a pawn. G5 means that a pawn moved to square G5. Draw straight lines on the board below to show the following moves. RE8, QE4, C4, QE5, QE6, QE7. G6.
Short Notation of Moves Worksheet Answer Key
Short Notation of Moves Worksheet
Short Notation of Moves Worksheet Learning Value
The basic learning value of this worksheet is to promote logical thinking and fine motor skills through chess notation practice, while also enhancing the spatial awareness of young learners. Students will also get basic practice in reading and writing by recognizing and writing the names of the chess pieces.