An essential skill for preschool children to learn is composing and decomposing numbers through 10. What that means is they are able to look at a series of objects arranged in different ways and determine the number of objects. Another part of this essential math skill is “building a number by showing 2 smaller digits that compose it.
One of the most engaging and fun ways to help your child gain understanding of this concept is by making it hands-on and concrete. When the abstract idea of numbers is first learned—and even later on—it is best to work out examples with real objects before practicing with paper. A fun way to explore composing and decomposing numbers is with Lego blocks or any other type of building toy. Kids love Lego, and building different structures of the number 7, for example, is easier when the blocks interlock. Basically, children need the understanding that they won’t always be counting things in a straight line or a perfect row. The idea that 7 means 7 no matter how it looks is greatly important for mathematical success as your child learns more.
Kids Academy provides a library of ready-made learning resources to help extend your child’s thinking to paper once a concept has been explored hands-on.
The snowman resource above can be helpful all year when practicing composing numbers. Have your child count the different piles of snowballs to determine which ones contain 6. They should circle the piles of 6 they find. Then, you could ask them to build six with their Lego blocks.
Another resource you can find when you search the Kids Academy library of activities for preschool is this sheet which arranges groups of fun seahorses rather than easier objects to count, like circles or blocks. Again, have your young child count the groups and circle the ones that show 7. Then, they can build the number in a concrete way for you with blocks.
Colorful petals can be counted too! This worksheet exposes learners to all kinds of different ways to explore number concepts. Understanding that 8 can look different, but still represent the same value is something this worksheet presents really well. It also asks your preschooler to practice those fine motor writing skills by placing a checkmark next to the flowers that have 8 petals. Have them show you 8 tally marks next to the flowers for added number composition practice.
In addition to building numbers with blocks while practicing these concepts, you can also connect math to the real world by having your child switch to using coins. Begin to introduce the idea of the value of dimes to them, since 10s tend to be easy to work with. As the count the number of dimes shown, you count the cents for them and find the groups of 10. Notice how they groups that do not have 10 look different than those that do.
Find more guided lessons on early number sense and other topics in our interactive catalogue!