Is this Position Check or Checkmate? - Lesson for Kindergarten, Chapter - Purpose of the Game

In this engaging lesson titled "Is this Position Check or Checkmate?", kindergarteners will embark on an exciting journey to understand the fundamental concepts of the game of chess. Under the chapter "Purpose of the Game" within the unit "GAME BASICS," students will delve into the critical differences between two key terminologies: check and checkmate. Through this lesson, young learners will gain insights into how these terms define the actions and strategies on a chessboard, marking the difference between a king being in threat and the end of the game.

The significance of this lesson lies in its ability to cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students from an early age. By engaging with the "Check vs Checkmate" activity and completing the "Check or Checkmate: Part 1 and Part 2 Worksheets," students will not only learn to identify these situations on a chessboard but also understand the importance of strategic planning and foresight in chess and real-life scenarios. This foundational knowledge will set the stage for deeper learning in chess, enhancing their cognitive abilities, decision-making skills, and opening a window to the fascinating world of this timeless game.

Estimated classroom time: 10 min
Chapter: Purpose of the Game
Click on any activity below to start learning.
4:00 min
Check vs Checkmate
Check vs Checkmate
3:00 min
Check or Checkmate: Part 1 Worksheet
Check or Checkmate: Part 1 Worksheet
3:00 min
Check or Checkmate: Part 2 Worksheet
Check or Checkmate: Part 2 Worksheet
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  • Activity 1 / Check vs Checkmate

  • Activity 2 / Check or Checkmate: Part 1 Worksheet

    When your kids are playing chess, it's important that they know how to get their opponent's king to check and ultimately checkmate. Practicing taking a piece from check to checkmate can strengthen your child's strategic thinking and problem-solving skills, and this free worksheet will let them do so in a fun way. They'll look at the pair of chessboard and decide which board shows check and which shows checkmate. They won't know they're brain-building; they'll just think it's fun to play!

  • Activity 3 / Check or Checkmate: Part 2 Worksheet

    Chess is one of the best ways for your child to practice strategic thinking, problem-solving and critical reasoning in a fun and competitive way. This free PDF will allow your child to have practice analyzing boards where the king is either in check and can escape or checkmate and can't. They'll look at each board and all the pieces' placements, and then mark the boards where the king can escape from check. A great practice for saving their king when they play on real boards as well.