Logic and Early Math Lesson - Make a Group to Match Numerals, 4 and 5, Preschool

In the lesson "Make a Group to Match Numerals," preschool students embark on an engaging journey into the world of numbers, specifically focusing on numerals 4 and 5. Through a series of thoughtfully designed activities, including the "Groups in the Park Worksheet," "Groups at the Grocery Store Worksheet," and "Groups in the Town Worksheet," young learners will gain hands-on experience in grouping objects to match these numerals. Moreover, the "Match Numerals 4 & 5 to their Quantities" activity will further reinforce their understanding by connecting abstract numerical symbols to concrete quantities.

By participating in these fun and interactive worksheets, students will not only enhance their counting skills but also develop a more profound comprehension of the concept of quantity. This foundational knowledge is crucial as it lays the groundwork for future mathematical learning, promoting cognitive development and problem-solving abilities. Recognizing the significance of numerals and their corresponding quantities will empower students to navigate their everyday environments with greater numeracy skills, from understanding the number of apples in a basket to grasping the concept of days in a week. This lesson is an essential step in fostering a lifelong appreciation and understanding of mathematics in young learners.

Estimated classroom time: 13 min
Chapter: 4 and 5
Unit: Counting to 5
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Groups in the Park Worksheet
Groups in the Park Worksheet
3:00 min
Groups at the Grocery Store Worksheet
Groups at the Grocery Store Worksheet
3:00 min
Groups in the Town Worksheet
Groups in the Town Worksheet
4:00 min
Match Numerals 4 & 5 to their Quantities
Match Numerals 4 & 5 to their Quantities
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  • Activity 1 / Groups in the Park Worksheet

    The park is definitely a fun place to hangout for your kids. At the park, there is the freedom to do almost anything they want to, they can play and shout and run around with other kids. Ask your children what are their favorite things to do at the park. Now, look at the picture with your little ones. Ask them to name the objects in the printout. Count each of the objects in the sets, and then circle the group that matches.

  • Activity 2 / Groups at the Grocery Store Worksheet

    Learning does not have to be all about struggling with complex subjects for your kids. In school, their teachers will definitely be putting them through their paces, getting them to learn what they need to. However, your little kids will still need some extra help to get everything right. With this worksheet, you can help teach them more about counting. Look at each number of objects in the printout, and then circle the group that matches.

  • Activity 3 / Groups in the Town Worksheet

    Learning does not have to be all about struggling with complex subjects for your kids. In school, their teachers will definitely be putting them through their paces, getting them to learn what they need to. However, your little kids will still need some extra help to get everything right. With this worksheet, you can help teach them more about counting. Look at each number of objects in the printout, and then circle the group that matches.

  • Activity 4 / Match Numerals 4 & 5 to their Quantities - Quiz

    This quiz assesses students’ ability to match items in a group to the numeral.