Place Value - Trading Ones for Tens - Lesson for Grade 1, Chapter - Place Value

In the "Place Value - Trading Ones for Tens" lesson, designed for Grade 1 students, learners will embark on an exciting journey into understanding the foundational concept of place value, which is a cornerstone of arithmetic operations within 100. Through engaging activities such as "Let's Trade Tens Worksheet," "Trading Tens Worksheet," "Trading Ones for Tens," and "Trading Ones for Tens Worksheet: Part 2," students will learn the significance of trading ones for tens and how numbers are structured in a place value system.

This lesson is crucial as it lays the groundwork for students to comprehend how numbers are organized and valued, making it easier for them to grasp addition, subtraction, and eventually, multiplication and division. Understanding place value helps in developing number sense, an essential skill for problem-solving and logical thinking. By learning to trade ones for tens, students will be able to perform calculations more efficiently and with greater confidence. This foundational knowledge is not only pivotal for their success in mathematics but also fosters a strong mathematical mindset for future learning endeavors.

Estimated classroom time: 13 min
Chapter: Place Value
Unit: Foundations in Operations Within 100
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Lets Trade Tens Worksheet
Lets Trade Tens Worksheet
3:00 min
Trading Tens Worksheet
Trading Tens Worksheet
4:00 min
Trading Ones for Tens
Trading Ones for Tens
3:00 min
Trading Ones for Tens Worksheet: Part 2
Trading Ones for Tens Worksheet: Part 2
Share your lesson with students by clicking:
  • Activity 1 / Lets Trade Tens Worksheet

    This free, creative worksheet builds on the foundation of counting while also demonstrating logic. Your child will have fun trading flowers for bouquets, orange slices for whole oranges, and cube towers for individual cubes. Learning numbers and problem solving is a basic in first grade math, and it helps combines both skills. When given the choice between two different options, students can better understand what groups of ten will look like.

  • Activity 2 / Trading Tens Worksheet

    Double down on the fundamentals of counting with this worksheet. Students will have to identify groups of 10 cubes that they can trade for a long. Each group of cubes is arranged in different ways so they will have to rely on counting individually to distinguish which groups contain ten cubes. Your first grade student will develop problem solving skills and a stronger understanding of counting by completing this printable pdf.

  • Activity 3 / Trading Ones for Tens

  • Activity 4 / Trading Ones for Tens Worksheet: Part 2

    Introduce your early learners to the concept of regrouping numbers by trading ones for tens! Use this vividly colored worksheet to catch your child’s attention as he or she counts the cubes. How many longs can be traded for the cubes? That is, are there groupings of 10 individual cubes that can be converted into long strips of 10? If so, decide how many longs can be created. Then, check the box of the correct answer to complete this quick downloadable sheet!