Push and Pull - Lesson for Kindergarten, Chapter - Force and Interactions

In the "Push and Pull" lesson, kindergartners will embark on an engaging and foundational journey into the world of forces and interactions, a vital chapter in their Science unit. Throughout this lesson, our young learners will explore the basic concepts of push and pull, which are the primary forces that make objects move or stop. By engaging in hands-on activities, including a "Push and Pull" game and completing "Push or Pull Sorting" and "Push or Pull" worksheets, students will not only distinguish between these two forces but also apply their understanding by classifying various everyday scenarios and objects based on the type of force applied.

This lesson is important for several reasons. Firstly, it lays the groundwork for understanding more complex physical science concepts in later grades. Secondly, by observing and interacting with the world around them through the lens of push and pull forces, students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Lastly, understanding these fundamental forces enhances their curiosity and appreciation for how things work in their daily environment, making learning relevant and exciting. This foundational knowledge in force and interactions is a stepping stone in nurturing informed, observant, and inquisitive future scientists.

Estimated classroom time: 10 min
Chapter: Force and Interactions
Unit: Science
Click on any activity below to start learning.
4:00 min
Push and Pull
Push and Pull
3:00 min
Push or Pull Sorting Worksheet
Push or Pull Sorting Worksheet
3:00 min
Push or Pull Worksheet
Push or Pull Worksheet
Share your lesson with students by clicking:
  • Activity 1 / Push and Pull

  • Activity 2 / Push or Pull Sorting Worksheet

    Ask your child if they know what it means to push something. Then, ask them if they know what it means to pull something. Can they give you some examples of a pushing force, and a pulling force? Look through the pictures in this worksheet with your little ones. Ask them to tell you what each child is doing in each picture. Then, ask your child to check whether it is an example of a push or a pull motion.

  • Activity 3 / Push or Pull Worksheet

    Whether we’re flying a kite or typing out a text message, most actions involve pushing and pulling! Teach your child about force with this interesting 1st grade worksheet: Push or Pull.
    Your child will observe the activities and determine which activities involve pushing.