To do this worksheet, your child needs to be able to measure accurately, add and subtract. They must measure both items and subtract the shorter from the longer to work out the difference in length.
Practice measuring with word problems on this worksheet. Read the two sentences to your kids, interpret them, and have them check the correct answer. Equations can be presented in various ways; sentences or numbers. Help your kids understand the different forms.
Can your kids tell the time? If so, this worksheet should be easy. Help them set the time for each clock: look at the time written on the left side and find the clock on the right side that matches.
Practice measuring with our free math worksheets! Learn about lbs, oz, and T and estimate the weight of objects in these units. Our web site has a wide collection of free worksheets for kindergarten and preschool. Download them to bring an amusing atmosphere into your classroom!
Help kids hone their comparison skills with this fun measurement worksheet! Kids will sort objects by length and check off the boxes as they go. At the bottom, they'll read the questions and take a final look at the images to complete the exercise. An exciting way to learn measurement!
Learning measurements can be tricky, but this worksheet makes it easy. Ask your child to identify the instruments in the pictures. Then, order them by length using the numbers. 3 is the longest, 1 is the shortest. Simple exercises like this will help them understand the different metric systems.
Kindergartners can learn weight easily with this worksheet, featuring images of familiar fruits and veggies. Comparing which one is heavier helps them understand the concept better.
Knowing measurement tools and how to use them is just the start. To be proficient, your kid must be able to accurately compare objects and their lengths. With the 'Length Comparison Quest' worksheet, they will check the correct length of the traffic light in the picture and then compare other objects to it, marking those that measure 4 feet shorter.
This worksheet requires math and measuring skills. When measuring an object from a non-zero starting point, subtract the start point from the end point to get the correct length. Kids must trace the dotted lines to get the right length for each part of the house.
Explain to your child that a line plot is a way to organize information. For example, if they need to arrange objects, they should draw a line plot. Now, have them help Tom measure the objects in his pencil case in inches. Then, have them check the line plot that accurately shows the length.
This PDF helps you assess your students' understanding of concepts like empty/light, full/heavy, tall/short, and more/less. With this worksheet, students use pictures to answer questions and check off the appropriate box. It's a fast, easy way to determine what concepts they have learned and which need more work.
Early learners can develop their math skills by using this Worksheet with fun, familiar pictures. It reinforces concepts like big/small and empty/full, helping them to differentiate and identify objects that meet those definitions.
Let's head to the zoo and use colorful blocks to measure your child's favorite animals! With this Kids Academy worksheet, help them practice and prepare for learning measurement. Guide them in looking at the zoo animals and counting blocks to find the height. Then, read the questions and check the box next to the correct answer.
Help your kids comprehend pounds with our free worksheet. Everyday objects are compared to one pound, helping them understand this weight unit. Find the whole collection of free math worksheets by Kids Academy on our website. Make studying fun for your kids with our free printable worksheets!
Comparing tall and short objects is an early math skill. Our free worksheet uses fun colors and pictures to help kids practice. This will give them a head start for higher-level measurement skills, and they'll remember tangible objects for comparison.
In this worksheet from Kids Academy, kids can start learning measurement in stages. Observe the images, then compare their length - which one is shortest? Which one is longest? Answer the questions at the bottom to complete the sheet. It's an easy way to help kids understand measurement basics.
Show your kids a picture of Harry the Postman and ask if they can identify his profession. Then, with this simple picture graph worksheet, help Harry out by having your kids answer the questions below the picture graph. It shows the number of letters he delivered, and on what day. Get your kids to use the picture graph to solve it.
Look at the picture, can you measure the UFO & monsters? Write down how long each is. Which is tallest? Circle it. Get more free printable math worksheets for kindergarten at our website.
Understanding "more or less" can be hard for kids. This PDF uses colorful images to help them learn. By matching the right picture pairs, children can gain a better understanding and strengthen their comparison skills for more complex tasks.
Introduce your kids to a family like theirs with this worksheet. They'll look at the picture of three children in front of a wardrobe and the graph of clothes inside. Ask them questions about the number of items like jeans, sweaters, shorts, jackets, and t-shirts. Let them explore their understanding of counting and family similarity.
Boost your 3rd grader's math skills with money word problems. This worksheet takes them to a witch's shop for a fun way to practice multiplication and division.
Do your kids know what reptiles are? Ask them to name some and name features. In this activity, your kindergartners will measure with reptiles. Show them the picture and get them to order by length, starting with the one with 4 by the longest reptile, then the one with 1 by the shortest.