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We’re Going to Celebrate Halloween!

Oct. 25, 2022

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Hello everyone! Do your kids like Halloween? Most likely your answer is YES! Halloween is a favorite holiday for kids because of collecting sweets and quality family time when trick-or-treating or playing “spooktacular” games! Halloween fun, games, and costumes develop children's creativity, freedom for making decisions, and communication skills both with peers and grown-ups.

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Raising Ecological Awareness in Kids

Sept. 19, 2022

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Children, more than ever before, grow up in a world facing many ecological and environmental challenges. Parents and educators cannot shield kids from what is happening but should strive to educate and encourage them to work toward solutions. Children armed with knowledge can take a stand and be ready to make real changes in their homes, communities, and their world.

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Helpful Hints for A Successful Start to the New School Year

Aug. 31, 2022

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For kids across the country, they are returning to school this fall without ever having stepped on campus in over a year! For many of them, they are entering school for the very first time as kindergarteners or 1st graders. With so many disruptions, it’s easy to see why parents and kids may feel nervous about stepping foot on campus this fall. Luckily there are strategies parents can take to help little learners prepare for the big day. Read this article to find helpful hints to ensure a smooth start to the new school year!

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Making Back-to-School Easier Together with Kids Academy

Aug. 14, 2022

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It's time to be ready for a new school year since the studies have already begun! Schools have been opening their doors for young and elder learners as autumn approaches. Probably your kid is looking forward to starting learning in the campus with joy and delight, or maybe he or she experiences troubles while waiting for their first lessons face-to-face with the teacher after the long-running pandemic pause. You may assist your kid in making their first steps beyond the school's doorstep with the help of the Talented and Gifted discount we have prepared for you.

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Communicating with Kids about School: Tips and Questions to Ask

Aug. 4, 2022

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Have you ever tried to ask your older elementary child how their day went, only to be met with an eye roll and a one-worded response? If you’re like most parents, the struggle to get kids to talk after school can be a lot like pulling teeth! While frustrating, it’s natural for children to pull away and become more private or independent as they grow older. Luckily there are a few tricks parents can use to get kids talking. This article discusses the importance of effective communication with kids and offers up helpful tips to use and questions to jumpstart afterschool dialogue with tight-lipped children! 

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Expert  Antonio photo
by Jorezza Antonio (Behavioral Therapist)

Challenges Children Face in Classroom After the Pandemic and Ways to Address Them

July 29, 2022

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Children who will just be starting school this year have been uniquely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic: they have had to stay indoors for a long time – with little to no opportunity to make friends or socialize thus having fewer stimuli for emotional and physical development.

As a teacher, I’ve noticed different concerns from the parents of children that are starting their studies or going back to school. In this article, I’ll outline the four major ones and will suggest ways to address them.

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Gravitational and Wind Energies: Forms of Energy for Kindergarten

July 19, 2022

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It was discussed in the article Kindergarten Physical Science: Energy, Force, and Motion that there are two main categories of energy. And these are the potential energy and the kinetic energy. And under these categories are the more specific types of energy which include gravitational, chemical, elastic, wind, heat, and electrical energies. Of the types of energies mentioned, the first three are classified as potential energy, wind being kinetic, and heat and electrical energies as both potential and kinetic.

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The 4th of July: An American Independence

July 1, 2022

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Independence Day is one of the most celebrated American holidays that is often accentuated by colorful parades during the day and gleaming fireworks at night. As much as the 4th July marks a very significant part of American history, a lot of kids these days know very little as to what it really stands for. Through this article, you can take your kids on a short trip down memory lane that spans centuries of symbolic struggle and perseverance.

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Science. 1st Grade. Introducing Astronomy to Kids

May 30, 2022

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Astronomy is a complex but an amazing subject. It covers both Physics and Mathematics while pumping up the inquisitiveness of children. Teaching Astronomy to your first grader can help their interest in Science flourish. It is through this discipline that children will be able to further appreciate the concepts of time, distance, gravity, and size of objects. Astronomy also renders an introductory glimpse on the concepts of matter and energy. 

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Science. 1st Grade. Earth and Space Science for Kids in Grade 1

May 27, 2022

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Children, especially those in the first grade, are naturally inquisitive with their surroundings. You can also find them calmly staring at the clear night sky asking questions about this seemingly different world above them while pointing their tiny fingers towards those bright twinkling illuminations. For parents, this is definitely one of the best times to feed their children’s curiosity with simple yet accurate knowledge.

Earth and Space Science is indeed a complex course yet a principal discipline nonetheless. This subject can help open up an exciting new world of knowledge that will guide the children in appreciating the nature of space as well as earth’s special spot in the universe. Earth and Space Science will enlighten a kid’s young mind as to how unique the Earth is and why it is important to proactively take steps in preserving it for the generations to come.

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