The Four Seasons Worksheet

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In this worksheet, tell your little ones that they must circle only those things that remind them of that particular time of the year. The picture of a tree contains four squares; one for each season. In each season square are things that are often synonymous with these seasons. Some of these things match the squares they are put in, and others do not. Ask your child if some of the things in each season’s square are out of place. Then, help them circle only the things that truly remind them of that season.

Required skills:
To resolve this worksheet, students should have a basic understanding of the four different seasons - spring, summer, fall, and winter. They should also be aware of the common things associated with each season such as snow and ice in winters, flowers and rain in spring, beaches and swimming in summers, and falling leaves in autumn. Students should have the ability to observe pictures and discriminate between different objects related to each season.