Learning about measuring objects in inches, feet and yards Worksheet

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Can your kids say how long or how big a pencil, an airplane or a swimming pool is? This cutup activity introduces your preschoolers to the idea of estimating different objects in inches, feet and yards. Simply download the free worksheet, cut it up and let your kids have fun and learn!
Look at the top of the page and answer the questions: How many inches are there in a foot? How many feet are there in a yard? How long is one mile? What unit would you use to measure these objects and things? Place the cards in the appropriate boxes.
If you need more practice on measuring, go to our web site and use the free math worksheets by Kids Academy.

Required skills:
To resolve this worksheet, students should know how to estimate the length or size of different objects and things. They should also be familiar with the basic units of measurement such as inches, feet, and yards, and be able to convert between them. Additionally, they should be able to sort and categorize objects by their length or size.