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Expert  Carter photo
by Alison Carter (Play Based Educator, ESL Teacher, Trauma Sensitive Yoga and Pilates Teacher, Journalist and Writer)

Reducing Children’s Consumption of Media

March 28, 2022

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Creating firm boundaries within your household to ensure your children consume a balanced amount of media is important. Freedom of the press is obviously significant and is not something to take for granted, as it allows us to understand and learn about the reality of life in other countries as it is reported. There are also benefits to watching and enjoying movies, dramas and documentaries through which we can laugh, learn and enjoy a new topic.

However, it is undeniable that the constant consumption of news and media, specifically that which displays violence, war, dysfunction and general harm, are not beneficial for children and young adults (and let’s be honest - adults) to consume. This is particularly relevant now, in times of conflict.

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What Is Causing My Child's Allergies: A Hygienic Hypothesis

March 25, 2022

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Common childhood illnesses, such as allergies and asthma, have become increasingly frequent in the last decades, particularly in Western countries. On the one hand, we used to believe that the rise in allergy disorders was related to the fact that we were not exposed to as many early infections as previous generations. On the other hand, scientific evidence demonstrates that this is not the case. It appears that spending time in nature and being exposed to a range of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms (that are not disease-causing) can help to reduce the severity of asthma and allergy symptoms in people who suffer from them.

It is the purpose of this article to provide a concise summary of some of the most significant points related to the so-called classic hygienic hypothesis in the scientific community. Furthermore, as we will explain further below, we believe it is worthwhile to consider a contemporary point of view on this theory.

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Perimeter and Area of Quadrilaterals

March 16, 2022

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Mathematics is known for being a hard and mundane subject. The biggest problem that has lead to this reputation is the way it is taught. As a student, you are told to memorize formulas and apply them to homework and tests. Mathematics is much more than that, it is practical life translated into numbers and letters. It is logic. In this article, we’ll guide you to properly explain the Mathematical concepts of perimeter and area of quadrilaterals to your kids, while including fun and practical life worksheets from our website.

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Expert  Carter photo
by Alison Carter (Play Based Educator, ESL Teacher, Trauma Sensitive Yoga and Pilates Teacher, Journalist and Writer)

Parental Presence in a Child’s Life

March 15, 2022

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Raising healthy, securely attached children who can thrive and learn as they grow up is the aim. A key way to ensure that children grow up in this way, whilst developing holistically, is to ensure as parents you are consistently present and involved within their home and educational lives.  

Your presence and support provides the valuable water with which to nourish their seeds of potential.  

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Keep on Learning with Interactive Worksheets from Kids Academy

March 11, 2022

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Children like playing games and solving puzzles. With this in mind, our goal is to make our product engaging, appealing, and comfortable both for children and their parents. We spend a lot of time and effort developing new features both for our apps (such as the Talented and Gifted app) and the website. In this article, we want to tell you how we have brought to life interactive worksheets here on the website.

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Learning Addition and Subtraction with Kids Academy

March 7, 2022

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Meet Anna.

Anna is 8 years old and has the confidence and competence of a Math whiz. She is very flexible with numbers; she can readily shuffle numbers about in her head and on paper.

You might think Anna is a genius of some kind, and she might be. But the truth is that Anna’s comfort with math didn’t happen by magic. It is the result of careful and deliberate nurturing.

Your child can have this same comfort with math. Continue reading!

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Expert  Sheard photo
by Julie Sheard (Educator and Specialized Instructional Assistant)

Children, Learning, and Gender Differences: 6 Strategies to Support Your Child’s Learning Style

March 4, 2022

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Have you ever heard a teacher say, “These rambunctious boys are getting on my last nerve!” or “These girls aren’t interested in participating in physical education.”. Some people might say science and math activities appeal to boys, and girls prefer literature and art. Is that really an accurate statement? How did these stereotypes emerge anyway? Continue reading!

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Expert  Carter photo
by Alison Carter (Play Based Educator, ESL Teacher, Trauma Sensitive Yoga and Pilates Teacher, Journalist and Writer)

Parenting Challenges — Being a Beneficial Role Model

March 3, 2022

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Parenting is full of challenges. Raising little ones and supporting, guiding and nourishing them as they develop through the various stages of life is a blessing. A blessing that takes a lot of effort! Being a beneficial presence in your child’s life is the aim, so that they can live their lives comfortably in their skin and thrive in whatever way feels right for them.

So, how can this be achieved?

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Expert  Sheard photo
by Julie Sheard (Educator and Specialized Instructional Assistant)

Winter Melancholy: Fighting the Dreary, Cold-weather Blues

Feb. 25, 2022

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If your kid’s attitude is stormier than the sky this winter, you’re not alone. You may find your family in a funk after the celebrations have gone. Your youngster may not be as energetic as usual as the weather turns cooler, and the wintery cold keeps your family cooped up inside. It’s common for people to become depressed when the days become shorter in the fall.

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Expert  Kitina photo
by Olga Kitina (Special Education Teacher and Speech Therapist)

Dyslexia: Some Manifestations and Techniques of Its Overcoming

Feb. 22, 2022

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Sometimes in the process of learning reading a child experiences various difficulties. They do not disappear "by themselves" in the course of time. The difficulties remain at the same level (even in several years of learning). And the child's reading speed rarely reaches the level of the 2nd grade.

If a child preserves the general ability to learn, but the ability to master skills is disrupted, specialists talk about possible manifestations of dyslexia.

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