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Kids Academy is Now Integrated with Google Classroom

Oct. 8, 2020

Kids Academy is always on the hunt for new tools to make it easier for teachers to plan and monitor instruction. That’s why we’ve been working hard behind the scenes to partner with Google Classroom to provide seamless class syncing and easy assignment. Together with Google, our learning management system can benefit more teachers than ever before to offer state-of-the-art remote instruction.

Here’s a closer look at what educators can do with our new integration:

  • Login with Google

Teachers have enough on their plates! It can be tough to remember multiple usernames and passwords. Teachers can now sign in to their Kids Academy accounts using their Google Classroom credentials, leaving one less thing for you to remember.

Sign-up interface

  • Import classes and students

Your class is just a few clicks away! Integration with Google Classroom offers educators an easy way to securely import students directly in the app or using Kids Academy for Schools. For students who are already enrolled in a Google Classroom section, instructors can import the entire class at once.


Educational software   

  • Assign activities and tasks

Making assignments have never been easier! Teachers can now share a single activity or the entire lesson from a ready-made course in their Kids Academy account. Tasks and activities can be shared using Google Classroom or by copying a link. Google Classroom notifies students of any new assignments, and allows students a pathway for completing them.

Educational quiz

At Kids Academy, it’s our goal to make it easier to manage classes and create assignments. With so many of those classes online, it can be even more difficult to juggle different websites and accounts. For young learners, the last thing teachers want is yet another account to create and manage.

Let us do the heavy lifting; sign on through Google Classroom to get started today!

Start Learning!

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