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Is your kid going to preschool this fall? Start getting ready now!

May 16, 2016


Time flies by really quickly and with a wink of an eye parents realize that it’s time for preschool. Starting preschool is a serious milestone in kid’s development as well as an anxious period for parents.  If your toddler is about to start preschool this fall it’s better to start getting ready in advance.  In today’s blog we offer you some areas to consider before your kid starts pre-schooling:

  • Academic skills

In terms of academic skills development 2-3 year olds are supposed to be aware of basic concepts in math, reading and writing. Toddlers will definitely further succeed in math if they already can count, name basic shapes and sort simple objects into groups.  Showing interest in reading books, turning the pages, being able to tell simple stories with assistance are the indicators of being ready to develop further reading skills. Try to notice if your kid is able to use a writing tool with a finger or fist grasp. Introduce little learners to different drawing activities with pencils, crayons and markers.

  • Social skills

Most preschool specialists agree that being academically ready for preschool is not as important as the ability to communicate with other kids as well as with adults.  At this stage a kid is entering a new social circle where they need to express their thoughts, ideas and wishes. As the same time it is crucially important to work as a group member and cooperate with other people efficiently and successfully.

  • Life skills

It will be a great plus it parents manage to teach their kids basic life skills such as feeding themselves, washing hands, dressing and using the potty.  Though in most preschools, especially for 2 year olds, kids are carefully and kindheartedly assisted, toddlers will feel much more confident and self-assured if they are able to do  it with little or no help.

These are three the most essential basic skills that will make the process of getting into new surroundings easy and effortless. Start paying attention to these three areas today and you will be rewarded in no time when your little darling starts going to preschool eagerly and enthusiastically.


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