Community Helpers Essential Activities for Grade 1


Community Helper Trivia

Ask your students what they know about community helpers. This video teaches us that community helpers are people in a community that do a job that helps others or helps the community. The video illustrates that community helpers perform specific roles. Examples given in the video include doctors, hairdressers, librarians, police officers and more. A fun trivia game is played and students find to the community helper that helps with a given problem or need. Students learn and understand that a community functions better when the needs of its members are being met. Community helpers fill these roles. Extend the learning by discussing helpers that students know personally such as family or friends that are community helpers. Students enjoy discussing what job they want to do when they grow older as well. Ask how many want to be a community helper and why they want that kind of job. Use this video in your social studies class and have fun learning about community helpers.
Learning about doctors for kids is not only an educational social studies activity, but it is also a way that parents can teach children about who a doctor is and what a doctor does. Instruction and preparation go a long way in calming any fears that young children may have about going to get a child check-up. Children are less afraid of a medical situation if they learn about what happens at a doctor’s visit and the importance of doctors.
So, it’s time for you to tell your kids about construction workers? If yes then you are at the right place because today we are going to tell you in detail how to make your little one understand the concept of construction workers. You can always start by using live examples like roads, buildings, homes and whatnot. In fact, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that it’s the easiest lesson in social studies for kids and all you need to do is to use some great examples. Other than using roads and buildings etc, you can even opt for online Youtube lessons. There are plenty of them available on the internet and you can easily help your child understand how construction workers work and what they do.

City Workers: Matching Worksheet

City Workers: Matching Worksheet
Look through the worksheet with your child. Who are the people on the left side? What are their professions, and what do they do around the community? If your child can correctly identify the professionals in the printout, ask them to circle the correct items on the right-hand side that belongs to the city workers of the left. Boost your child’s knowledge of city workers with this exercise.
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Construction Workers Community Helpers Worksheet
Who builds the roads and keeps them smooth and accessible in the community? Does your child know that construction workers build and fix things? Ask your young one if they have ever seen a construction worker at work, and ask them to say some of the things construction workers do. Look through the worksheet with your youngster and check the pictures correctly showing what construction workers do.
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Finding the Details and Connections: Assessment 1 Worksheet
What can your students tell you about their parent’s jobs? Do they know what profession their mother is in? How about the building where she works? Different professionals have their specific buildings where they carry out work which needs to be done. In this worksheet, the mom goes to work at a hospital, and is a doctor. Read out the text to your students, and then read the sentences and help them check the correct pictures.
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Going to the Dentist Worksheet
Going to the dentist is something that often conjures anxiety in kids, but when they have the opportunity to understand why they go to the dentist, they fare better. That's why this free informational text about going to the dentist's office is a great way to give them confidence as they work on reading comprehension skills. They'll learn about their friend's trip to the dentist and then answer critical thinking questions that have them analyzing Ben's feelings and drawing conclusions about his emotions.
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Learn About Vets Worksheet
Keep your child’s reading comprehension and recall in check, by assessing what they understand after reading a short passage. This helpful ELA worksheet will review fascinating information about veterinarians, while checking to see what kids can recall afterwards. Simply help your little reader through the brief paragraphs at the top of the page, viewing the pictures while moving along. Answer the question at the bottom to see what your child learned through their reading!
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Safety First Worksheet
Diagrams can tell us a lot of information, but we must still learn to use our inference skills to expand upon our ideas and understanding. This colorful worksheet contains two diagrams of a construction worker’s equipment. Help your little learner access his or her prior knowledge to determine what each part of the diagram may be used for or protects. Then read the sentences below and place a check in the box next to the correct answer that fills in the blanks!
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The Dentist Worksheet
Community helpers are important and they're often super important for our good health. This bright and colorful worksheet is a great way to teach children not only about the benefits of their friend the dentist, but about reading simple text for meaning and understanding. With this free PDF, your child will read a story about the dentist and the tools the dentist uses. Then they'll use their understanding and the picture clues to answer the questions about a dentist does and what they use. It's a great way to make the dentist a friendlier concept and teach comprehension too.
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