Comparing Numbers (Objects) - Lesson for Kindergarten, Chapter - Counting to Tell How Many

In the lesson "Comparing Numbers (Objects)" under the unit "Counting and Cardinality up to 20," kindergarten students embark on an explorative journey to understand the fundamental concept of comparing quantities. This lesson is a critical component of the "Counting to Tell How Many" chapter, where young learners will engage in hands-on activities designed to solidify their grasp of numbers and quantities.

Students will begin with the "Classifying Toys by Size Worksheet," where they will learn to observe and classify objects based on their size. This activity not only enhances their observational skills but also introduces them to the concept of comparison in a tangible and engaging manner. Following this, the "More or Less Worksheet" will challenge students to identify which group of objects is greater or lesser in number, further cementing their understanding of comparison. Finally, "Let's Compare Numbers! " will directly engage students in comparing numerical values, consolidating their ability to assess and determine the relationship between different numbers.

Understanding how to compare numbers and objects is fundamental for young learners as it lays the groundwork for more complex mathematical concepts they will encounter in the future.

Estimated classroom time: 10 min
Chapter: Counting to Tell How Many
Unit: Counting and Cardinality up to 20
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Matching: Classifying Toys by Size Worksheet
Matching: Classifying Toys by Size Worksheet
3:00 min
More or Less Worksheet
More or Less Worksheet
4:00 min
Let's Compare Numbers!
Let's Compare Numbers!
Share your lesson with students by clicking:
  • Activity 1 / Matching: Classifying Toys by Size Worksheet

    This worksheet requires that your young one tune into their observation and counting skills. The text requires that your young one carefully looks through the images and counts the objects. Next, they are to circle the plates containing the least, most or equal number of patterns. Without paying proper attention or having some good counting abilities, your child will most likely find this task easy enough

  • Activity 2 / More or Less Worksheet

    There’s no shortage of free printable more or less worksheets for kindergarten on the web. At Kids Academy, we believe that kids need to learn in a variety of ways for concepts to “stick”. This more or less worksheet uses a basic concept from Singapore Math to help your little learner understand quantity. 
    Completing this worksheet will help your child: 
    • Visually recognize groups of numbers
    • Practice counting skills 
    • Understand quantity 
    • Compare groups of numbers
    Singapore Math teaches that kids learn math best when they can recognize groups of numbers visually to quickly analyze number groups. This worksheet will help your child to quickly recognize number groups while they compare quantity.

  • Activity 3 / Let's Compare Numbers!