Draw and Count up to 10 - Lesson for Preschool, Chapter - Drawing and Counting

In the lesson titled "Draw and Count up to 10," preschoolers embark on an engaging journey through the realms of drawing and counting, integrated within the unit of Coloring under the chapter Drawing and Counting. Through the specific activity of the Turtles Tracing Worksheet, students will learn the foundational skill of tracing, which is not only crucial for enhancing their fine motor skills but also serves as a stepping stone towards proficient writing abilities. Furthermore, this lesson introduces the concept of counting up to 10 in an interactive and visually stimulating manner.

Understanding numbers and being able to count accurately is essential for the cognitive development of young learners. It lays the groundwork for mathematics, a key educational pillar, fostering problem-solving skills and logical reasoning. Moreover, the integration of drawing with counting encourages creativity while reinforcing numerical concepts, making the learning process enjoyable and memorable. This multi-faceted approach ensures that students not only grasp essential counting skills but also develop a love for learning through artistic expression. Thus, the "Draw and Count up to 10" lesson is an important foundational step in a child's educational journey, blending the joy of art with the fundamentals of counting.

Estimated classroom time: 3 min
Chapter: Drawing and Counting
Unit: Coloring
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Turtles Tracing Worksheet
Turtles Tracing Worksheet
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  • Activity 1 / Turtles Tracing Worksheet

    While it might not seem like a big deal to adults, for kids, tracing lines is an important way to build fine motor and early handwriting skills. Download this tracing curved lines PDF worksheet to help your future writer build some big skills!
    Through this worksheet, your child will: 
    • Sharpen fine motor skills 
    • Improve hand to eye coordination 
    • Practice proper pencil grip 
    • Practice beginning writing skills
    Work with your child to ensure that he or she is using proper pencil grip, and is correct wherever necessary. While completing, make sure your child traces carefully, trying to trace over the lines as smoothly as possible. This will help strengthen fine motor skills as well as help your little learner build the coordination necessary to begin writing!