Logic and Early Math Lesson - Enrichment, 0 & 10, Preschool

In the "Enrichment" lesson, specifically designed for preschool students, we delve into the foundational world of numbers through the engaging chapter on "Counting to 10". This lesson is crucial for young learners as it introduces them to the basic concept of counting, an essential skill for their academic and everyday life. Through the "Ten Pins is a Strike Worksheet" activity, students will not only learn to recognize and count numbers from 0 to 10 but will also develop hand-eye coordination as they associate numbers with physical objects. This activity is particularly important because it integrates physical interaction with learning, enhancing memory retention and understanding. Counting is a fundamental skill that forms the basis for more advanced mathematical concepts and operations. By mastering counting at this early stage, children lay a strong foundation for arithmetic, problem-solving, and logical thinking skills. Additionally, the ability to count confidently boosts a child’s self-esteem and fosters a positive attitude towards learning. This lesson, therefore, is not just about learning numbers; it's about setting the groundwork for lifelong learning and success in various spheres of life.

Estimated classroom time: 3 min
Chapter: 0 & 10
Unit: Counting to 10
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Ten Pins is a Strike Worksheet
Ten Pins is a Strike Worksheet
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  • Activity 1 / Ten Pins is a Strike Worksheet

    This simple worksheet uses objects and activities that your children might already be familiar with to make their learning process easier. First, ask your children if they can identify the objects in the picture. Do they enjoy the sport? Bowling is a simple leisure game that is played with a bowling ball and pins. Count the groups of pins in this printout, and then help your kids circle the groups of ten.