Find 1 More - Lesson for Preschool, Chapter - Number Stories - 1 More

In the "Find 1 More" lesson, designed specifically for preschool students as part of the "Number Stories - 1 More" chapter within the "Counting to 5" unit, students will embark on a delightful journey to enhance their early mathematical skills. Through engaging activities like the "One More Jumps In Worksheet" and the "Who Has 1 More? Worksheet," preschoolers will learn the concept of adding one more to a given number. This foundational skill not only improves their counting abilities but also introduces them to the basic concept of addition in a fun and interactive manner.

Understanding how to find "1 more" is crucial for young learners as it lays the groundwork for future mathematical concepts, such as arithmetic, problem-solving, and logical thinking. By mastering the ability to count to 5 and recognizing what comes next, children develop confidence in their mathematical understanding, which is vital for their academic journey. The hands-on activities designed for this lesson ensure that students grasp these concepts effectively, fostering their curiosity and love for learning through playful, yet educational tasks.

Estimated classroom time: 6 min
Chapter: Number Stories - 1 More
Unit: Counting to 5
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
One More Jumps In Worksheet
One More Jumps In Worksheet
3:00 min
Who Has 1 More? Worksheet
Who Has 1 More? Worksheet
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  • Activity 1 / One More Jumps In Worksheet

    Polar bears reside in the Arctic region, where it is always cold and snowy. Have your kids seen pictures of polar bears before, or maybe they have even watched nature videos with polar bears in them. Polar bears like to swim in the water. Show your kids the pictures where the polar bears are diving into the water. Now, read the text aloud to them. Help them count to correctly answer the question in the first section, and then move down to the second section and do the same.

  • Activity 2 / Who Has 1 More? Worksheet

    Do your kids know what chipmunks are? What do these animals eat, what are some of their habits, and where do they live? Chipmunks like to eat acorns, and usually gather and store these nuts somewhere hidden. This way, when the weather is bad and there are no acorns on the trees, they still have a lot to eat. Look at the acorns on the left side of the printout. Now, count the chipmunks’ acorns and circle the one that has 1 acorn more than the acorns on the left.