My Bedroom - Lesson for Preschool, Chapter - My Home

In the "My Bedroom" lesson, designed for preschoolers within the "My Home" chapter of the "World Around Us" unit, students embark on an engaging journey to explore the familiar environment of their bedroom. Through the playful "Ten in the Bed" song, children will learn about numbers and the concept of subtraction in a fun and memorable way, enhancing their early math skills. The melody and repetition also aid in improving memory and concentration.

Completing the "My Bedroom Worksheet" introduces them to vocabulary related to bedroom items, fostering language development and understanding of everyday objects they interact with. This activity not only enriches their language skills but also encourages them to observe and identify various items in their own bedrooms, promoting awareness and personal connection to their immediate environment.

The "Ten in the Bed Worksheet" reinforces the mathematical concepts and vocabulary introduced earlier, providing a hands-on experience that solidifies learning through practice.

Understanding the concept of "My Bedroom" is pivotal for preschoolers as it cultivates a sense of personal space, belonging, and responsibility. Learning to identify and name bedroom items enhances their communication skills, while the mathematical elements of the lesson lay the groundwork for future numeracy development.

Estimated classroom time: 10 min
Chapter: My Home
Unit: World Around Us
Click on any activity below to start learning.
4:00 min
Ten in the Bed | Song
Ten in the Bed | Song
3:00 min
My Bedroom Worksheet
My Bedroom Worksheet
3:00 min
Ten in the Bed Worksheet
Ten in the Bed Worksheet
Share your lesson with students by clicking:
  • Activity 1 / Ten in the Bed | Song

  • Activity 2 / My Bedroom Worksheet

    Your child’s bedroom is probably their sanctuary, their sacred space where few are allowed into. Maybe, you even allowed your kid to choose some of the decorations that went into their room, and little personalized items like toys and wall stickers. This worksheet will be easy for your child, as they spend enough time in their bedroom. Ask them to circle the pictures in this exercise that belong in a bedroom.

  • Activity 3 / Ten in the Bed Worksheet

    When students can chunk groups of ten objects, they're able to add and multiply more efficiently. Your kids will have a barnyard full of fun identifying the bed that has ten of each animal in it, and circling the correct animal. This adorable worksheet is sure to offer them practice with sorting and counting while they identify familiar and friendly faces. Brings new meaning to monkeys jumping on the bed!