Logic and Early Math Lesson - Represent Problems Using Number Sentences, Subtraction Story Problems (#'s 1-5), Preschool

In the lesson titled "Represent Problems Using Number Sentences," preschool students embark on a fascinating journey into the world of subtraction through engaging story problems within the numbers 1 to 5. This lesson falls under the unit "Operations and Algebraic Thinking Within 5," focusing on laying the foundational blocks of understanding basic arithmetic operations and algebraic thinking at an early age.

Students will engage in activities such as the "Subtracting Socks Worksheet" and "T-shirt Subtraction Worksheet," which use familiar items to make abstract concepts tangible. Additionally, students will have the chance to act out or use objects to solve addition story problems, further solidifying their understanding through hands-on experience.

Learning to represent problems using number sentences is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it introduces students to the language of mathematics, helping them understand that numbers and operations can tell stories and solve problems. Secondly, it develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills as students learn to break down real-world situations into mathematical equations. Lastly, these early experiences with subtraction and addition lay a solid foundation for future mathematical learning, ensuring students are well-prepared for more complex concepts as they advance in their education.

Estimated classroom time: 10 min
Chapter: Subtraction Story Problems (#'s 1-5)
Unit: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Within 5
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Subtracting Socks Worksheet
Subtracting Socks Worksheet
3:00 min
T-shirt Subtraction Worksheet
T-shirt Subtraction Worksheet
4:00 min
Acting or Using Objects to Solve Addition Story Problems
Acting or Using Objects to Solve Addition Story Problems
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  • Activity 1 / Subtracting Socks Worksheet

    Before starting this exercise with your children, you might first want to warm them up by maybe counting as high as they can. If mathematics is not your child’s favorite subject or you just want them to be well skilled in the subject, you might want to use this simple worksheet. In the picture, there are two different word problems. Help your kids read and understand these word problems, and then use their fingers to count and subtract. Ask your kids to check the box that has the correct answer.

  • Activity 2 / T-shirt Subtraction Worksheet

    Using familiar objects and colorful exercises is one of the surefire ways to get your students to learn what you are teaching them. Look at this worksheet with your kids. Can they identify the objects in the picture? Your kids will be using their fingers to subtract and find the answers to the two word problems here. Help your kids solve the simple problems, and then check the box next to the correct answer form the options provided.

  • Activity 3 / Acting or Using Objects to Solve Addition Story Problems - Quiz

    Students will be assessed on their ability to comprehend and solve addition story problems, with the support of visuals.