Understanding Place Value Ones and Tens - Lesson for Grade 2, Chapter - Place Value

In the lesson "Understanding Place Value Ones and Tens," designed for Grade 2 students, learners embark on a foundational journey into the world of number operations within the realm of 1000. This lesson is a vital part of the Place Value chapter under the unit "Foundations in Operations Within 1000. " Through engaging activities such as "Place Value: Ones and Tens," "Transportation Math Printable," "Tens and Ones Worksheet," "Property Place Value Worksheet," and "The Value of Numbers in the Tens and Ones Place," students will acquire the crucial skill of recognizing and understanding the significance of place value in our number system.

By dissecting numbers into their ones and tens components, students will learn to see numbers not just as wholes but as composed of parts with distinct values. This understanding is critical for their future mathematical development, laying the groundwork for more complex operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Grasping the concept of place value early on equips students with the ability to perform these operations with confidence, enhancing their number sense and preparing them for higher mathematical challenges.

Estimated classroom time: 17 min
Chapter: Place Value
Unit: Foundations in Operations Within 1000
Click on any activity below to start learning.
4:00 min
Place Value: Ones and Tens
Place Value: Ones and Tens
3:00 min
Transportation Math Printable
Transportation Math Printable
3:00 min
Tens and Ones Worksheet
Tens and Ones Worksheet
3:00 min
Property Place Value Worksheet
Property Place Value Worksheet
4:00 min
The Value of Numbers in the Tens and Ones Place
The Value of Numbers in the Tens and Ones Place
Share your lesson with students by clicking:
  • Activity 1 / Place Value: Ones and Tens

  • Activity 2 / Transportation Math Printable

    Challenge you child with tricky mental math using this place value worksheet: Transportation Math, to increase your child’s number sense.
    Not only will your child have to work to remember place values, but he or she will give their brain a workout using mental addition to determine the answers!

  • Activity 3 / Tens and Ones Worksheet

    Count the blocks on both sides and indicate their total in the box provided below the figures. Before your children completely give up on math and counting, introduce him/her to this fun worksheet. Be assured that whatever math-related anxieties they had before would promptly vanish. This worksheet is not only intended to be educative, it stimulates your child visually to make homework seem fun.

  • Activity 4 / Property Place Value Worksheet

    Look at the underlined number on the left. Is it in the ones, or tens spot? Solidify your child’s knowledge of place value with this vibrant printable worksheet! Kids Academy knows that colorful pictures motivates even the most reluctant of learners. On this sheet, you’ll notice that each picture contains a number. Simply instruct learners to name the place value of the underline word located in the objects down the left side of the page. Look through the images on the right to see which contain numbers that represent the place value indicated by the underlined number on the left!

  • Activity 5 / The Value of Numbers in the Tens and Ones Place - Quiz

    This quiz assesses students’ ability to identify numbers in the ones and tens place, and find the sum by adding longs and cubes.