Use of Images in Text - Lesson for Grade 2, Chapter - Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

In the lesson "Use of Images in Text" designed for Grade 2 students under the unit "Reading Informational Texts" which focuses on the integration of knowledge and ideas, students will embark on an engaging journey to understand how images complement and enhance textual information. Through activities such as the "Life Cycle of Corn Worksheet" and "A Frog’s Life Cycle Worksheet," students will learn the significance of images in providing clarity, additional details, and a visual representation of concepts discussed in texts.

This lesson is crucial as it teaches students to not only read and comprehend text but also to analyze and interpret the accompanying images. This skill is essential for enhancing their overall understanding of informational texts. The ability to integrate information from both text and images is a key literacy skill that supports students in becoming more effective and comprehensive readers. By learning how to decipher images alongside text, students will be better equipped to understand complex ideas, remember information more accurately, and apply their knowledge across various subjects. This foundational skill lays the groundwork for successful learning and critical thinking as students progress through their educational journey.

Estimated classroom time: 6 min
Chapter: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Unit: Reading Informational Texts
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Life Cycle of Corn Worksheet
Life Cycle of Corn Worksheet
3:00 min
A Frog’s Life Cycle Worksheet
A Frog’s Life Cycle Worksheet
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  • Activity 1 / Life Cycle of Corn Worksheet

    Corns are a very important food crop for farmers. Corn is used to make a lot of food that we eat today, and most famers grow corn to sell in the market. Ask your child if they can tell you some of the foods that are made from corn. Then, teach them some more about this amazing food. Read the short text in this worksheet detailing the life cycle of corn. Then, look at the pictures. Help your kids circle the answers to the questions at the bottom of the worksheet.

  • Activity 2 / A Frog’s Life Cycle Worksheet

    Frogs are pretty interesting creatures. Has your child ever seen a frog? Ask them to tell you some of its features. With this worksheet, your kids will learn some cool things about the frog, including its life cycle. A life cycle is the stages that something goes through until it gets to its final stage. Read the text that details a frog’s life cycle to your kids and show them the pictures to help them understand better. Read the questions at the bottom of the printout and help your kids circle the correct answer.