Use the Illustrations and Details in a Text to Describe its Key Ideas - Lesson for Grade 1, Chapter - Informational Texts

In the lesson titled "Use the Illustrations and Details in a Text to Describe its Key Ideas," first-grade students are guided into the world of informational texts under the broader theme of comprehension. This lesson is crafted to teach students how to leverage illustrations and specific details found within a text to grasp and describe its core ideas. The activities planned, such as the "Check Memory Worksheet" and the "True or False: Turtles Worksheet," are meticulously designed to engage students in interactive learning. Through these activities, students will learn to connect visual cues with textual information, enhancing their ability to comprehend and recount the key ideas presented in a text.

Understanding how to dissect and interpret the information presented through both text and accompanying illustrations is crucial. It not only bolsters reading comprehension skills but also cultivates critical thinking and observation skills in young learners. By learning to identify and articulate key ideas using both textual and visual elements, students are equipped with a more holistic approach to reading. This skill set is fundamental as it lays the groundwork for successful reading comprehension, a cornerstone in the educational journey of students across all disciplines.

Estimated classroom time: 6 min
Chapter: Informational Texts
Unit: Comprehension
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Check Memory Worksheet
Check Memory Worksheet
3:00 min
True or False: Turtles Worksheet
True or False: Turtles Worksheet
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  • Activity 1 / Check Memory Worksheet

    Helping your kids with their assignments and using worksheets to help them learn is actually one of the surest ways they can retain information. The colorful pictures in this printout will help stimulate your child’s brain and encourage them to learn. Read the sentences in this worksheet and point at the pictures beside each sentence. Then, help them check True or False for each sentence. If your child is still confused, use the picture clues to clear them up more.

  • Activity 2 / True or False: Turtles Worksheet

    Recall what you know about turtles, are the facts on this adorable worksheet legit? Sharpen your child’s reading comprehension skills by printing this free downloadable page, perfect for early learners! Simply assist learners to read each sentence and look at the pictures to recall the facts they have already learned about turtles from prior knowledge or previous worksheets. Then, check the correct box, either true or false for each statement!