Using Fingers to Solve Addition Problems - Lesson for Kindergarten, Chapter - Addition and Subtraction

In the lesson titled "Using Fingers to Solve Addition Problems," Kindergarten students will embark on an enlightening journey through the world of basic addition, focusing on numbers up to 20. This lesson is a cornerstone of the Addition and Subtraction chapter, designed to reinforce and build upon students' foundational understanding of numbers and introduce them to practical techniques for addition.

Throughout this lesson, students will engage in a series of carefully crafted activities including the "Addition Four And Three Worksheet," "Two And Three Addition Worksheet," and the "Two Plus Six Addition Worksheet. " These activities are thoughtfully designed to cater to young learners' needs, making use of tangible tools—namely, their fingers—to solve addition problems. This hands-on approach not only makes the learning process more interactive and enjoyable but also enhances the students' ability to visualize and comprehend the concept of addition.

Understanding how to perform basic addition using fingers is incredibly important for Kindergarten students because it lays the groundwork for more complex mathematical concepts they will encounter in future grades. It fosters numerical fluency, boosts confidence in their mathematical abilities, and encourages an active learning process.

Estimated classroom time: 9 min
Chapter: Addition and Subtraction
Unit: Additional Practice with Numbers up to 20
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Addition Four And Three Worksheet
Addition Four And Three Worksheet
3:00 min
Two And Three Addition Worksheet
Two And Three Addition Worksheet
3:00 min
Two Plus Six Addition Worksheet
Two Plus Six Addition Worksheet
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  • Activity 1 / Addition Four And Three Worksheet

    Let's practice math together. See this new math worksheet which will be interesting for your kids and thus helpful for you.
    Shall we help the little dog to solve the task together? When you find the right answer find the way to it. Trace the path to the right answer carefully.
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  • Activity 2 / Two And Three Addition Worksheet

    Learn addition easily with these new math worksheets for kindergarten. Make learning an interesting and funny game.
    Help your friend to solve the task given and then find the way to the right answer in the maze. Don't forget to trace the path.
    Addition worksheets for kindergarten are the right way to help your children not only study maths but also make these studies interesting so that they could love it.

  • Activity 3 / Two Plus Six Addition Worksheet

    Kindergarten addition worksheets will help your children practice. With these new materials math studies become fun and interesting.
    There are many paths which lead to the maze but the only right path is the one which has the correct answer in the end. Help the dog to choose the right path and trace it.
    See more free printable addition and subtraction worksheets for preschool and kindergarten at our web site. Study math together.