Using Fingers to Solve Subtraction Problems - Lesson for Kindergarten, Chapter - Addition and Subtraction

In the lesson "Using Fingers to Solve Subtraction Problems," kindergarten students will delve into the practical application of subtraction within the number range of up to 20. This lesson forms a part of the broader chapter on Addition and Subtraction, under the unit focused on Additional Practice with Numbers up to 20. Through engaging activities such as the "Subtraction Nine And Five Worksheet," "Subtraction Seven Minus Four Worksheet," and "Subtraction Ten And Six Worksheet," students will learn to visually and physically manipulate numbers to understand the concept of taking away.

The importance of this lesson cannot be overstated. By using their fingers as a visual and tangible tool, students will enhance their comprehension of subtraction in a very concrete way. This method not only aids in the development of basic arithmetic skills but also fosters an early love for mathematics by making it accessible and enjoyable. The ability to perform simple subtraction is foundational for future mathematical learning, including more complex arithmetic operations and problem-solving. Moreover, this hands-on approach promotes fine motor skills development and reinforces the connection between physical activity and cognitive learning, making it a crucial step in the educational journey of kindergarten students.

Estimated classroom time: 9 min
Chapter: Addition and Subtraction
Unit: Additional Practice with Numbers up to 20
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Subtraction Nine And Five Worksheet
Subtraction Nine And Five Worksheet
3:00 min
Subtraction Seven Minus Four Worksheet
Subtraction Seven Minus Four Worksheet
3:00 min
Subtraction Ten And Six Worksheet
Subtraction Ten And Six Worksheet
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  • Activity 1 / Subtraction Nine And Five Worksheet

    This printable math worksheet for kindergarten will be useful for those who want to learn subtraction easily and have some fun.
    Your task today is to trace the way to the correct answer. Solve the task, help the dog to find the way out of the maze and get to the right answer. 
    We are ready to show you the way to the wonderful world of maths with our collection of free printable math practice worksheets for kindergarten and preschool.

  • Activity 2 / Subtraction Seven Minus Four Worksheet

    Fun math worksheets are good for both practicing addition and subtraction and for making studies more interesting and attractive for your kids.
    Getting lost in a maze is not fun at all, so let's choose the right direction. The dog is supposed to come to the right answer. Solve the task together and find the way. Trace your path.
    Studies become easy and your kids want to continue practicing. Free kindergarten math worksheets by Kids Academy are available at our web site for free.

  • Activity 3 / Subtraction Ten And Six Worksheet

    This new math worksheet is good for practicing subtraction skills. Learning is easier now with Kids Academy.
    Here you are standing in front of a maze. Help the dog to solve the task to find the proper way which would lead to the right answer and then trace the path.
    Is there a way to study math easily? We say: "Yes!" Moreover, our collection of kids math worksheets makes learning an entertaining game and your child is willing to get back to studies again and again.