In the lesson "Weather Equals Climate 2," designed for kindergarten students under the Earth's Systems chapter in the Science unit, young learners will embark on an exciting journey to understand the intricate relationship between weather and climate and how they affect the habitats of various animals. Through engaging activities such as the Arctic Animals Worksheet, Desert Plants Animals Printable, and the Where Animals Live Worksheet, students will delve into the unique characteristics of different environments like the icy Arctic and the hot, dry desert. They will explore how animals and plants adapt to survive in their respective climates, highlighting the importance of biodiversity.
Understanding weather and climate at an early age is crucial as it lays the foundation for environmental awareness and conservation efforts. By learning about the diverse life forms inhabiting our planet and how they cope with their surroundings, students will develop a sense of curiosity and respect for nature. This knowledge will encourage them to think critically about the impact of their actions on the environment and instill in them the values of responsibility and stewardship towards Earth's systems.
All kids love animals, but does your child know where they live? Step up your child’s science knowledge by teaching him where in the world animals live. This arctic animals worksheet will help your child learn to categorize some favorite animals, while teaching vocabulary for new animals, as well.
Why you’ll love this worksheet:
• It reinforces important classification skills
• You can use it to discuss the habitat of these fascinating animals
• It introduces animals that may be new to your child, like the arctic hare.
Use this worksheet to expand your child’s horizons; talk about the arctic, its climate, and how these animals live, which makes them very different from other animals. When you’re finished, ask your child where the other animals on the page live to keep the conversation going!
The desert is filled with unique plants and animals that are built to withstand the tough, dry conditions.
Let’s explore the special animals and plants that call the desert home with this vividly colored desert plants and animals worksheet!
Sometimes when it comes to early learning, we get so caught up teaching our kids their ABC’s and 123’s that we forget about some often overlooked important skills. While teaching early reading and math skills are extremely important, kids also need to build important science skills which will help them to use their emerging logical and analytical skills.
This Where Animals Live PDF worksheet will fascinate your children with their favorite animals, and the environments in which they live.
Use this worksheet to:
Talk about animals and their environment. Have your child identify each animal and ask them what environment each might live in. Which animals like water? Which like the heat? Increase your child’s knowledge of the world with this worksheet.
• Have a conversation about where and why the animals live where they do. Be sure to explain where they might find these animals in the world. Some animals live in the south, or in different countries. It’s never too soon to talk about climate or introduce simple geography!
In addition to increasing their knowledge, your child will practice:
• Logical reasoning skills;
• Classification skills.
Kids love animals, and want to learn more about them. What better way to practice important matching skills than to jumpstart a conversation about animals and their environments? Your child will love this adorable Where Animals Live PDF worksheet; don’t be surprised if your child starts asking for another trip to the zoo!