Skip Counting by 5s: Big Dipper Printable

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Take your child stargazing with this shimmering skip counting by 5 printable worksheet! Your child will have a sight to see when they’re done connecting the dots. Better yet, your child will gain valuable practice learning to skip count by 5’s. 
While working on this worksheet, your child will practice: 
• Honing a critical math concept—skip counting
• Utilizing logical reasoning skills
• Enhancing problem solving skills as they complete the picture.
When your child is finished, take them outside on a clear, starry night to show them the Big Dipper constellation in real life! Using this worksheet, your child will learn skip counting, while discovering fascinating information about the world and universe around them!

Required skills:
To resolve this worksheet, students should know how to count by 5s and how to connect dots to form a picture. They may need some basic knowledge of stars and constellations to appreciate the connection to the Big Dipper.