Numbers 1–5: Video 1

Toddlers and preschool students enjoy this fun, farm-themed video that teaches students how to count to 5. Teaching the youngest students to count is a basic math skill on which future math knowledge and success is built.  Once students can count to five, then more advanced skills such as counting with one-to-one correspondence begins.

In the video, the students meet Chloe the chicken who is sitting on her nest. When Chloe stands up and moves off her next, the students see Chloe’s eggs. The chicken asks the students to count the eggs as they hatch. Chloe counts each yellow chick, one by one when the chick breaks out of the egg.  At the end of the video, Chloe reviews counting numbers 1 to 5 again.

Extend the learning by counting objects in the child’s home or school. Count blocks, toes on one foot, toys, and snack crackers.

Enjoy this child-friendly video that has engaging animation and simple instruction. This video is a great addition to your math curriculum in the home or school setting.