Learning measurement is best done in steps. Kids can’t begin using a ruler until they at least know if an object is longer or shorter than another! This handy worksheet from Kids Academy is meant to prime your kids to learn measurement successfully. Coach children to observe the images on the page, and to compare the three by length. Which one is shorter? Which one is longest? Answer the questions on the bottom to complete this printable math sheet.
So, your little learners know how to measure liquids, but need some more practice in measuring.
Study the examples. How many cups are there in one quart? Do you know how many quarts can get into one gallon? Now calculate accurately and write the number in the space provided.
You can find the whole collection of free math worksheets at Kids Academy. Make your studies fun with the help of our free printable worksheets!
This math worksheet is really helpful for further practice in learning how to measure capacity using cups, pints, quarts and gallons. Use our worksheet to let your kids gain more confidence in measuring capacity.
Have a look at the picture of Gallon Man and answer the questions. Check your answers with Gallon Man and write the numbers.
If you need more practice on measuring, you will find many more free printable math worksheets for kindergarten at our web site. Let’s explore the amazing world of math with fun and pleasure!
This is another math worksheet by Kids Academy to be used for getting more practice on measuring. Let’s study math with our free math worksheets!
This free worksheet on measuring offers your kids to learn how to measure on the balancing scales. Study what lbs, oz, and T stand for and estimate the weight of the objects in ounces, pounds and tons.
You will find a wide collection of free worksheets for kindergarten and preschool at our web site. Just click the download button and bring a happy and amusing atmosphere into your classroom!
Things are often organized in different ways to make it easier for people to see or use them. Also, we can arrange people in order of height, age, or different factors. In this worksheet, your kids will be measuring according to height. Ask your kids if they know any other ways things can be measured. Now, read the texts describing the buildings in this printout. Help your kids put them in order of height by checking 4 for the tallest building, and 1 for the shortest.
Comparing Length, Finding the Difference Between Two Lengths, Using Various Tools of Measurement for Length
This quiz assesses students’ ability to compare the length of different objects and measure to find length, using standard and non-standard forms of measurement.
This quiz assesses students’ ability to compare and identifying different measurements of weight.
This quiz assesses students’ ability to solve word problems that involve length and size.
Students will be assessed on their ability to put items in order and describe their findings.