Apostrophes in Contractions and Possessives - Lesson for Grade 2, Chapter - Capitalization and Punctuation

In the lesson "Apostrophes in Contractions and Possessives," part of the Conventions of Writing unit focusing on Capitalization and Punctuation, second-grade students will embark on a journey to understand the dual role of apostrophes in written English. Through engaging activities such as a Contractions Worksheet and exercises on Using Commas and Apostrophes Correctly, learners will grasp how apostrophes are used to create contractions—shortening two words into one by replacing omitted letters (e.g., "can't" from "cannot")—and to indicate possession, showing that something belongs to someone or something (e.g., "Sara's book").

Mastering the use of apostrophes is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps avoid confusion in writing, ensuring clear communication. For instance, misunderstanding the difference between "its" (possessive form of "it") and "it's" (contraction for "it is") can change the meaning of a sentence. Secondly, proper use of apostrophes is a fundamental aspect of adhering to standard writing conventions, an essential skill for academic success and effective communication. Through this lesson, students will not only enhance their writing skills but also develop a keen eye for detail, laying a strong foundation for their future learning journey.

Estimated classroom time: 7 min
Chapter: Capitalization and Punctuation
Unit: Conventions of Writing
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Contractions Worksheet
Contractions Worksheet
4:00 min
Using Commas and Apostrophes Correctly
Using Commas and Apostrophes Correctly
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  • Activity 1 / Contractions Worksheet

    Let’s read short stories and learn about contractions with the latest contractions grammar worksheet pdf which tells a really funny story about the hare and the tortoise and introduces the idea of contracted forms.
    Kids need to choose and to tick the correct contraction from the given options.

  • Activity 2 / Using Commas and Apostrophes Correctly - Quiz

    In this assessment, students will be able to correctly place commas in greetings and closings, and be able to correctly place apostrophes in contractions and possessives.