Color Words - Lesson for Preschool, Chapter - Common Vocabulary

In the "Color Words" lesson, preschool students embark on a vibrant journey through the world of colors, enhancing their vocabulary while exploring the fundamentals of reading and categorization. This captivating lesson is nestled within the Common Vocabulary chapter of the Vocabulary unit, designed to foster early language and reading skills in young learners.

Throughout this lesson, students will engage in activities such as the "Read from Left to Right: Slow Turtles Worksheet" and the "Read from Left to Right: Hats and Spiders Worksheet. " These exercises not only introduce students to basic color words but also instill the essential reading skill of moving from left to right, laying a solid foundation for future reading proficiency. By linking colors with familiar objects like turtles, hats, and spiders, children will find joy in learning, making the acquisition of new words a delightful experience.

Additionally, the "Sort Objects into Categories and Color Words" activity will teach students how to group objects based on color, enhancing their understanding of categories and reinforcing their comprehension of color vocabulary. This skill is invaluable as it aids in organizing thoughts and information, a critical aspect of cognitive development.

Estimated classroom time: 10 min
Chapter: Common Vocabulary
Unit: Vocabulary
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Read from Left to Right: Slow Turtles Worksheet
Read from Left to Right: Slow Turtles Worksheet
3:00 min
Read from Left to Right: Hats and Spiders Worksheet
Read from Left to Right: Hats and Spiders Worksheet
4:00 min
Sort Objects into Categories and Color Words
Sort Objects into Categories and Color Words
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  • Activity 1 / Read from Left to Right: Slow Turtles Worksheet

    Can your students identify the animals in this colorful worksheet? The animals pictured are turtles. Ask your students if they can tell you some of the characteristics of turtles. Are they slow? Do they live in their shells? Turtles are both of these things. Ask your students to help the slow turtles complete coloring the words in the picture. Make sure your students use the same color the turtles have already started with. Guide your students to start from the letters on the left.

  • Activity 2 / Read from Left to Right: Hats and Spiders Worksheet

    Do your kids love spiders? Or are they really scared of the eight-legged creatures? Whichever way, they will need to help some spiders in this traceable worksheet. First, ask them to read out the words in the picture to make sentences. Tell them that these words describe the hats on the left side. Then, help your little ones trace on the dotted lines to help each spider read which hat it is to hide under.

  • Activity 3 / Sort Objects into Categories and Color Words - Quiz

    This quiz assesses students’ ability to sort objects into categories and identifying color words.