Math Lesson - Enrichment, Division, Grade 3

In the "Enrichment" lesson tailored for Grade 3 students, learners will dive deep into the world of Division, an essential concept within the Multiplication and Division unit. Through engaging activities such as the "Going Bananas Worksheet" and "Division Diving Worksheet", students will not only practice dividing numbers but also understand the practical application of division in real-life scenarios.

This lesson is crucial as it strengthens the foundation of mathematical skills that are pivotal for solving more complex problems in higher grades. By mastering division, students enhance their numerical fluency, enabling them to tackle challenges in various subjects that require analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Division skills are not just academic necessities; they are vital in everyday situations, from dividing tasks equally among team members to understanding portions and distributions in real life.

Furthermore, this lesson aims to boost students' confidence in their mathematical capabilities, encouraging a positive attitude towards learning more challenging concepts in the future. By making division fun and relatable through worksheets like "Going Bananas" and "Division Diving", students will be more inclined to engage with and enjoy mathematics, setting a strong foundation for their future academic and life endeavors.

Estimated classroom time: 6 min
Chapter: Division
Unit: Multiplication and Division
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Going Bananas Worksheet
Going Bananas Worksheet
3:00 min
Division Diving Worksheet
Division Diving Worksheet
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  • Activity 1 / Going Bananas Worksheet

    Poor Marla! She's going bananas because she needs to send 56 bananas from her farm to a market but she needs to figure out how to do so with bananas in batches of 8. This fun and free worksheet is a great way for your child to help Marla while they practice their division skills and learn about how the 8-fact families can help their automaticity when solving problems. The more they are familiar with multiplication fact families, the faster they'll be when they're solving problems.

  • Activity 2 / Division Diving Worksheet

    Kids love the water, right? That's why they're going to love helping complete the math number sentences on this free PDF worksheet! They'll look at the information each of their underwater friends has to share in the form of number sentences and then using their knowledge of fact families, will solve for the missing number and choose from the correct answers listed. It's a great way for them to practice their division skills in a fun way they'll be able to find success in.