Historical Topic - Lesson for Grade 1, Chapter - Review Across Content

In this lesson titled "Historical Topic," first-grade students will embark on an engaging journey to learn about the White House, a significant symbol of American history and governance. Through activities including the "White House Worksheet" and "More About the White House Worksheet," students will explore various aspects of this iconic building. They will learn about its architecture, its role as the residence of the United States presidents, and its importance in American political and social life.

Understanding the White House helps students grasp the concept of leadership and governance at a tender age, laying a foundation for their civic education. It also introduces them to the concept of historical significance and preservation, teaching them to appreciate and respect national heritage. This knowledge is crucial in fostering a sense of national identity and pride among young learners.

Additionally, this lesson falls under the unit "Reading Informational Texts" in the "Review Across Content" chapter, emphasizing the development of critical reading and comprehension skills. Through reading and analyzing informational texts about the White House, students will improve their ability to extract key information, understand historical contexts, and connect with the material in a meaningful way.

Estimated classroom time: 6 min
Chapter: Review Across Content
Unit: Reading Informational Texts
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
White House Worksheet
White House Worksheet
3:00 min
More About the White House Worksheet
More About the White House Worksheet
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  • Activity 1 / White House Worksheet

    When you read stories to your students, you encourage them to learn new words, as well as teach them more things about specific subjects. For example, this White House worksheet will let your students know more about the building the United States president resides in. before beginning, ask your kindergartners if they can tell you some of the facts they know about this building. Then, read the short sentences to them.

  • Activity 2 / More About the White House Worksheet

    Learning never quite ends, as your child will learn in this colorful worksheet. The White House is a huge building where the President of the United States lives. The building has many offices, and the President’s family occupies two floors. The building has 132 rooms, and 35 bathrooms, and is visited by about 6,000 people every day! Read the short story in this printout to your kids and help them connect the dots to make the White House.