Identify Uppercase Letters G-I - Lesson for Kindergarten, Chapter - Letter I.D

In this lesson titled "Identify Uppercase Letters G-I," kindergartners will embark on an engaging journey through the alphabet, focusing specifically on the uppercase letters G, H, and I. Through the "Find Uppercase Letters G, H, and I Worksheet" activity, students will hone their observational skills by identifying and distinguishing these letters from others, reinforcing their understanding of the alphabet in a targeted manner.

This lesson is a crucial component of the "Print Concepts" unit within the "Letter I. D" chapter, designed to lay a strong foundation for literacy. Mastery of letter identification is not merely an academic milestone; it is the cornerstone of reading readiness and language acquisition. By learning to recognize the distinct shapes and names of uppercase letters G, H, and I, students are equipped with the essential tools for decoding words, an ability that will support their reading development, enhance their writing skills, and boost their confidence in navigating the vast world of written language.

Engaging with this lesson empowers kindergartners to become more proficient readers and writers, fostering a lifelong love for reading and learning.

Estimated classroom time: 3 min
Chapter: Letter I.D
Unit: Print Concepts
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Find Uppercase Letters G, H, and I Worksheet
Find Uppercase Letters G, H, and I Worksheet
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  • Activity 1 / Find Uppercase Letters G, H, and I Worksheet

    Search through the colorful letters and numbers to find the G, H, and I all in uppercase! This free downloadable worksheet gives your kindergartener the challenge needed to master letter case recognition! Numbers are sprinkled in to make it extra tricky, but don’t worry, your child will find the capital letters in no time using the examples on the top of the page! Don’t forget to practice G, H, and I sounds using the adorable graphics on this charming printable!