Logic and Early Math Lesson - Match Numerals to Quantities, 6 & 7, Preschool

In the lesson "Match Numerals to Quantities," preschool students embark on an exciting journey into the world of numbers, focusing on chapters 6 and 7 from the "Counting to 10" unit. Throughout this lesson, children will engage with "Count and Match Points 6" and "Count and Match Points 7" math worksheets, designed specifically to enhance their understanding of the relationship between numerals and the quantities they represent.

Students will learn to recognize and match numbers to corresponding sets of objects, a foundational skill in early math education. This is particularly important as it paves the way for more advanced mathematical concepts and operations such as addition and subtraction. Understanding how numbers relate to real-world quantities helps children develop numerical literacy, enabling them to make sense of numbers in everyday contexts.

Moreover, this lesson is crucial for developing problem-solving skills and logical thinking. By counting objects and linking them to their numerals, preschoolers will enhance their ability to analyze, compare, and understand the concept of quantity. This not only contributes to their academic growth but also helps in building confidence in their mathematical abilities from an early age.

Estimated classroom time: 6 min
Chapter: 6 & 7
Unit: Counting to 10
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Count and Match Points 6 Math Worksheet
Count and Match Points 6 Math Worksheet
3:00 min
Count and Match Points 7 Math Worksheet
Count and Match Points 7 Math Worksheet
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  • Activity 1 / Count and Match Points 6 Math Worksheet

    Mathematics might be confusing to your child. If they haven’t quite got a grasp on properly counting numbers yet, this fun printable worksheet should come in quite handy. Guide your little learners towards a better understanding of counting numbers by engaging in this fun exercise. Together with your little one, you are to look at all the boxes and carefully circle the ones that contain 6 dots.

  • Activity 2 / Count and Match Points 7 Math Worksheet

    Teach your child to count numbers and understand similar numbers. With this fun, colorful worksheet, your child can easily see how dots can be arranged in different ways and still total up to the same number. The task here is to assist your child in counting the dots in the boxes, and then you must circle the boxes which contain a total number of 7 dots within them.