One Less - Lesson for Kindergarten, Chapter - One More and One Less

In the lesson "One Less," kindergarteners will embark on an engaging journey to understand the concept of subtraction by 1, an essential building block in the realm of Counting and Cardinality up to 20. Through interactive activities such as the "One Less in the Family Worksheet" and exercises to "Count Backwards to Find 1 Less," students will not only enhance their counting skills but also develop a foundational understanding of basic subtraction principles.

Learning to identify "one less" is crucial for young learners as it lays the groundwork for more complex mathematical operations they will encounter in their academic journey. It fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills, enabling students to approach problems in a logical and systematic manner. By mastering this concept, students will improve their numerical fluency, which is vital for their future success in mathematics.

Moreover, these activities are designed to be engaging and fun, encouraging a positive attitude towards learning math. By the end of this lesson, students will have gained confidence in their ability to manipulate numbers and understand the importance of subtraction in everyday life, setting them up for success in their ongoing educational journey.

Estimated classroom time: 7 min
Chapter: One More and One Less
Unit: Counting and Cardinality up to 20
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
One Less in the Family Worksheet
One Less in the Family Worksheet
4:00 min
Count Backwards to Find 1 Less
Count Backwards to Find 1 Less
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  • Activity 1 / One Less in the Family Worksheet

    How many people make up your family? Can your little ones count and tell you right now? A family is made up of different members, and often includes a mother, father, and children. Sometimes, there are grandmas and grandpas and uncles, aunties and cousins too. In this worksheet, your kids will see pictures of different kinds of families. Help them count the members of the family in the pictures, and then draw a line to the family that has one less person.

  • Activity 2 / Count Backwards to Find 1 Less - Quiz

    This quiz assesses students’ ability to understand the concept of counting backwards and finding 1 less.