Relationship Between Illustrations and the Story - Lesson for Kindergarten, Chapter - Literature

In the lesson "Relationship Between Illustrations and the Story," kindergarten students will embark on an engaging journey into the world of literature, focusing on the critical comprehension unit. Through hands-on activities such as "Craft and Structure: Assessment 2 Worksheet 2" and "Craft and Structure of Stories: Assessment 2 Worksheet," learners will explore how illustrations and text in a story are intertwined, enhancing the storytelling experience.

Students will learn to observe and interpret visual elements in books, understanding how pictures contribute to the narrative, set the scene, and develop characters. They will discover how illustrations provide clues about the story’s setting, emotions, and plot twists, encouraging their imagination and improving their inferential skills. By engaging with these worksheets, students will practice connecting visual information with textual content, fostering a deeper comprehension of the stories they read and hear.

This lesson is crucial for young learners as it lays the foundation for visual literacy, a key component in today’s visually rich world. It also supports reading comprehension and critical thinking by teaching students to 'read' images, enhancing their overall literacy skills.

Estimated classroom time: 6 min
Chapter: Literature
Unit: Comprehension
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Craft and Structure: Assessment 2 Worksheet 2
Craft and Structure: Assessment 2 Worksheet 2
3:00 min
Craft and Structure of Stories: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Craft and Structure of Stories: Assessment 2 Worksheet
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  • Activity 1 / Craft and Structure: Assessment 2 Worksheet 2

    With this worksheet, you can be sure that you will stimulate your little one’s brain, and also have fun in the process. This colorful printout is here to assess how much attention your children pay to your story time sessions. The illustrations in this fun printout show different parts of the popular children story. Look through the pictures, and help your kids circle the illustration that matches each part of the story.

  • Activity 2 / Craft and Structure of Stories: Assessment 2 Worksheet

    It’s important that kids can pick out and identify the main events in a story, especially in the beginning, middle, and end. Assess your child’s story sequencing and reading comprehension skills by using this cute worksheet that helps determine if children understands the gist of plot events. Help your little learner examine the three pictures on the page, as each represents a scene from the beginning, middle, and end. Based on the pictures, what is the story about? Read through the choices, and task learners with checking the box next the correct answer.