Science Lesson - Review, Plants, Grade 1

In this engaging lesson entitled "Review", first-grade students will embark on a fascinating journey into the world of plants, a key unit in their Science curriculum. Through the carefully designed "Jungle Plants Worksheet" and the comprehensive "Plants – Review" activities, students will reinforce and consolidate their understanding of the diverse world of plants, including their various types, parts, functions, and the vital role they play in our environment.

Understanding plants is crucial for young learners as it lays the foundation for appreciating the interconnectedness of life and the importance of biodiversity. By exploring the characteristics of jungle plants and reviewing key concepts about plant life, students will develop an early interest in the natural world, fostering a sense of responsibility towards preserving our planet's precious ecosystems.

Moreover, this lesson aims to enhance critical thinking and observational skills by encouraging students to notice details and patterns in the plant life around them. This knowledge not only contributes to their scientific literacy but also instills in them a lifelong curiosity and respect for nature. Through this lesson, students will gain a solid grounding in the basics of botany, setting the stage for more advanced scientific learning in the years to come.

Estimated classroom time: 7 min
Chapter: Plants
Unit: Science
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Jungle Plants Worksheet
Jungle Plants Worksheet
4:00 min
Plants – Review
Plants – Review
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  • Activity 1 / Jungle Plants Worksheet

    Not only are coloring pages fun for kids, but print out the right page, and your child can learn from them as well! This exciting worksheet depicts an adorable jungle scene that features lush plants, a butterfly, and an adorable lizard. Encourage preschoolers to select the best colors to make this scene come to life. While coloring, don’t forget to talk to children about what types of plants and animals can be found in the rainforest!

  • Activity 2 / Plants – Review - Quiz

    Students will demonstrate an understanding of what plants need to survive, plant parts, how plants use and react to sunlight, plant adaptations and plant life cycle patterns.