The Letter C Sound - Lesson for Kindergarten, Chapter - Letter Sound Relationships

In the lesson titled "The Letter C Sound," which is part of the "Early Phonics and Phonological Awareness" unit, kindergarteners will embark on an engaging journey to understand the unique sounds produced by the letter C. This lesson falls within the chapter on Letter Sound Relationships, a foundational concept for budding readers and writers. Through interactive activities like the Letter C Coloring Sheet and the Letter B and C Sounds Worksheet, students will not only learn to recognize the letter C both visually and aurally but also distinguish its sounds from those of other letters, particularly the letter B, which often precedes it in the alphabet and can produce similar sounds.

Understanding the sounds associated with each letter is crucial for early literacy development. This knowledge serves as the building block for decoding words, enabling students to read more fluently and confidently. Additionally, distinguishing between different letter sounds enhances phonological awareness, a key predictor of reading success in early education. By mastering the sounds of the letter C, students will be better equipped to tackle new words, improve their spelling skills, and develop a deeper love for reading and learning.

Estimated classroom time: 6 min
Chapter: Letter Sound Relationships
Unit: Early Phonics and Phonological Awareness
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Letter C Coloring Sheet
Letter C Coloring Sheet
3:00 min
Letter B and C Sounds Worksheet
Letter B and C Sounds Worksheet
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  • Activity 1 / Letter C Coloring Sheet

    Words like “cat” and “car” are some of kids’ first sight words. While your child might not be ready to read just yet, simply exposing kids to letters, words, and sounds, helps kids soak up knowledge long before they begin reading. Use this letter c coloring page to introduce the letter "C"!

  • Activity 2 / Letter B and C Sounds Worksheet

    The bright and engaging pictures on this free downloadable worksheet will have children smiling, and they'll be learning to differentiate between specific letter sounds «B» and «C» in a fun way using familiar items and picture clues. They'll also work on fine-motor skills as they trace lines to the correct initial consonant sound for each corresponding picture. A great skill-builder for future decoding ability.