Representing Arrays with Number Sentences Worksheet

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An array is a group of objects, pictures, or numbers in columns and rows. An array can be interpreted in two ways, and you can teach your kids those two ways with this colorful, fun worksheet. First, you can represent an array in terms of rows as shown in the picture. Secondly, you can represent an array in terms of columns, also shown in the picture. Now, help your student draw a line to find the bee’s way to its beehive which shows the correct number sentence.

Required skills:
To resolve this worksheet, students should know about arrays, rows, columns, and number sentences. Arrays are groups of objects, pictures, or numbers that can be arranged in rows and columns. The worksheet teaches two ways of representing an array - in terms of rows and columns. Students should be able to identify the correct number sentence that shows the bees' way to the beehive. Thus, students should know addition and subtraction.