Climate and Weather Essential Activities for Grade 3
Charting Rainfall Worksheet
Using charts to graph pieces of information is an important math skill that children need to develop in order to make sense of the world around them. With this rainfall PDF worksheet, they'll have the opportunity to be little statisticians themselves, charting the amount of rain that falls in each month and then using critical thinking skills to look for patterns in the rainfall. It's a great way to encourage data storage as well as analysis for bigger math concepts down the road.
The weather of different places sure is different! This colorful climate map is a great way to show the variable temperatures all over the North American continent and to teach about the different climates of each region listed. They'll learn that the average climate in Seattle is very different than that in Miami with regard to temperature, but not in the rain, as well as other fun facts about weather. Then they'll be able to answer the reading comprehension questions about the different climates with success!
Natural hazards are not necessarily unavoidable all the time, but there are definite precautions we can take to help lessen damage in the event of them happening. This free worksheet is a great way to engage your child with informative text that talks about how engineers help protect us against natural hazards. Your child will then have the opportunity to choose the appropriate choice from the options given, working on their reading comprehension skills as they do.
Learning to read is pivotal to reading to learn and learning about forest fires is important for young children. With this free informational text worksheet, they'll learn about forest fires. When kids read informational texts, they're working on critical thinking skills as they add to their learning bases, and with this downloadable PDF, they'll be able to practice comprehension skills by answering the accompanying questions. Using multiple choices, they'll select the correct answer, learning how to respond to the text in a multiple-choice format.
Reading and interpreting data from graphs and charts is an important skill for children as they go from learning to read to reading to learn. With this free worksheet about temperature patterns, they'll look at the patterns of temperatures for a time period and answer questions. There's a bonus in this worksheet in that it also gives them practice in learning about averages and how to find averages, as well as answering questions given in a multiple-choice format.
When we're teaching our kids about natural weather phenomenon, we of course pay attention to ways we can make the damage from such weather events less devastating. This free worksheet is a great way to teach children about what they can do in severe weather situations. It also helps them learn what may not necessarily be helpful in those situations, as they follow up the reading by checking off the given actions that would protect the home in the event of excessive rain.
Children love to learn about natural weather phenomenon, and there's nothing quite as powerful as a tornado to get them engaged and interested in learning. This downloadable worksheet about tornados will teach your child several facts about tornados, and then offer critical thinking analysis as they read statements and analyze them to determine whether they are true or false. They'll gain knowledge that they find interesting and learn how to read with a critical thinking lens as they do.
In this worksheet, Kaitlin keeps a weather journal where she fills in what the weather was like each day. Does your child keep a weather journal? If they do not, you can encourage them to keep one after completing this exercise. Look at Kaitlin’s journal with your kid, make sure that they note what Kaitlin has recorded the weather was for each day. Read aloud the questions about her weather journal, and check the correct answers.