Read the text and the questions, then check the correct answers. Fish live in streams, ponds, rivers, and oceans. Fish like to swim together with other fish in a school. Schools of fish swim together to stay safe. Fish also stay safe by using camouflage. Some fish use camouflage by hiding in plants and rocks that are the same color as them. When bigger fish swim by, the camouflage fish look like part of the plants or rocks and don't get eaten. Task 1. What does camouflage mean? Swimming quickly. Looking the same as what is around you. Playing a game. Task 2. What is a school of fish? Where they go to learn. A sports team. A group.
The basic learning value of this worksheet is to help students develop an understanding of fish and their characteristics while also building their vocabulary and reading comprehension skills. Additionally, the worksheet also helps students develop analytical and problem-solving skills by asking them to identify the correct answers from given options.