Problem Solving: Erica's Tower Worksheet - Answers and Completion Rate

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Tasks in the Worksheet:
Check the picture that matches the problem. Then answer the questions and check the correct answers. Erica built a tower from cubes. She used 4 yellow cubes, 3 red cubes, and 9 purple cubes. Question 1. How many red and yellow cubes are there? Question 2. How many fewer red blocks are there than yellow blocks? Question 3. How many more purple blocks are there than yellow blocks?
Problem Solving: Erica's Tower Worksheet Answer Key
Problem Solving: Erica's Tower Worksheet
Problem Solving: Erica's Tower Worksheet Learning Value
The basic learning value of this worksheet is to help students develop their problem-solving skills, including analyzing problems, identifying patterns, and finding solutions. It also reinforces basic math concepts such as addition, subtraction, and counting while improving their critical thinking and visual perception abilities.