Reading: OI and OY Worksheet

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Ask your students if they know the rule for words that have the /oi/ or /oy/ sound. However, it is easy to learn how to spell words with this sound if you know the rule. Here’s the rule:  If the /oy/ sound is at the end of a word then spell the word with oy. If the /oi/ sound is in the middle of the word, then spell the word with oi.  With so many phonics rules to remember, reinforcement of the concept is needed to master these digraphs.  Improve your students’ ability to decode words with /oi/ and /oy/ by using this worksheet.

Required skills:
To resolve this worksheet, students should know the rule for words that have the /oi/ or /oy/ sound. They should be able to differentiate between the two and identify where the sound occurs in a word to spell it correctly. They should also be able to comprehend and interpret the given text.