Pre–reading Worksheet: What Do You See?

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Kids need plenty of proper modeling and repetition to build early literacy skills. If you’re looking for just the right tool to help your little learner begin reading, this pre-reading worksheet for kindergarten is excellent practice using both modeling and consistency to foster pre-reading skills. 
This worksheet offers: 
• Consistent language to help kids learn sight words
• Proper sentences that model appropriate language and grammar
• Pictures to forge a connection between image and the written word.
Kids learn best when a parent guides them through the process. Read each sentence for your child, pointing out each written word, and praise them when they pick the correct picture that matches the object named in the sentence. Before long, your child will make connections between objects and print!

Required skills:
To resolve this worksheet, students should know sight words, improve their language and grammar skills, and connect images to the written words. Besides, parents' guidance and praise will encourage them to identify the correct picture that matches the object named in the sentence.