Check out this FREE "Understanding grouping" Trial Lesson for age 5-6!

Making 10's

With answer key
  • 5-6
  • Understanding grouping
Assessment 2 Math Worksheet
Assessment 2 Math Worksheet

Assessment 2 Math Worksheet

Using fun exercises and pictures, you can get kids excited about math. With practice and reminders of what they've learnt, they'll be solving simple addition and subtraction equations with ease. Read the word problems in the picture to them, then help them check the equation and choose the correct answer.
Assessment 2 Math Worksheet
Finding Groups of Ten Worksheet
Finding Groups of Ten Worksheet

Finding Groups of Ten Worksheet

Can your kids count? If they can't go higher than tens, introduce them to this worksheet. Counting can be fun and easy with this exercise. Ask if they can identify the pictures, then help them count each group. Help them check the pictures that represent ten.
Finding Groups of Ten Worksheet