Guess the Word Problem Worksheet - Answers and Completion Rate

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Tasks in the Worksheet:
Trace on the dotted lines to connect each picture and equation with the matching word problem. Problem 1. There were 12 penguins on an ice block. Then 6 penguins fell into the water. How many penguins were left on the ice block? Problem 2. There were 6 penguins on a block of ice. Then 7 more penguins came up from the water and sat with them. How many penguins are there on the ice block in total now?
Guess the Word Problem Worksheet Answer Key
Guess the Word Problem Worksheet
Guess the Word Problem Worksheet Learning Value
The basic learning value of this worksheet is to help students practice and reinforce their addition and subtraction skills in a fun and engaging way. It also helps them develop their reading comprehension and visual learning skills, as they compare the word problems to their written and pictorial forms.