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Printable Math Worksheets For Grade 1

Our Extra Challenge Math worksheets are perfect for Grade 1 students who love a challenge. These printable math worksheets are designed to provide fun math practice while encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills. With a range of exciting activities and challenging puzzles, our free math worksheets provide a stimulating option for kids who want to take their math skills to the next level. Whether it's addition, subtraction, or geometry, our fun math worksheets cover all the key concepts in a visually engaging and interactive way. With these math practice worksheets, your child is sure to build a strong foundation in math while having a blast along the way.

Check out this FREE Grade 1 Trial Lesson on Math!

Making Shapes 3D

With answer key
  • Grade 1
  • Math
  • Extra Challenge
Birthday 3D Shapes Worksheet
Birthday 3D Shapes Worksheet

Birthday 3D Shapes Worksheet

It's John's birthday and he needs your help. Ask your kids to draw a line from each present to the matching 3D shape. First, check they understand the difference between 2D and 3D shapes. Then, they can help John figure out which 3D shape matches each present.
Birthday 3D Shapes Worksheet
Number worksheet: counting with peapods
Number worksheet: counting with peapods

Number Worksheet: Counting With Peapods

Help your child learn multiplication and develop their place value skills in a fun way with this number worksheet: Counting with Peapods! Each pod has 10 peas, and kids can simply count each one and add a zero to the ones place to get the answer. It's a great, colorful way to learn!
Number Worksheet: Counting With Peapods
Measuring Length Worksheet: Flower Math
Measuring Length Worksheet: Flower Math

Flower Math: Measuring Height Worksheet

Let your child learn length with Flower Math! Measure each flower with colorful beads and see how much they measure up to. This worksheet offers a fun and vivid way to learn the concept of length.
Flower Math: Measuring Height Worksheet
Skip Counting by Three
Skip Counting by Three

Skip Counting by 3s: Funny Aliens Printable

Blast off to outer space learning fun with this skip counting by 3 worksheet!
Skip Counting by 3s: Funny Aliens Printable
Time word problems worksheet: sweet bakery
Time word problems worksheet: sweet bakery

Ms. Roseв's Sweet Bakery Time Worksheet

Help your child understand the 24-hour clock using this fascinating telling time word problems worksheet: Sweet Bakery! Widely known as "military time", this skill isn't taught in school but is important for your kid to master.
Ms. Roseв's Sweet Bakery Time Worksheet
Important Years in History Worksheet
Important Years in History Worksheet

Important Years in History Worksheet

Ask your students if they can name any important dates in history. Then, look at the images in the worksheet with them. Read the sentences above each one to them and have them trace a line to the year when the event occurred.
Important Years in History Worksheet
Circus Math Printable Worksheet
Circus Math Printable Worksheet

Circus Math Printable

Let's take the kids to the circus and combine literacy and numeracy skills! Our circus math printable worksheet will encourage creativity and higher-order thinking by connecting addition to real-life examples. Kids will learn to love math while they explore the fun, real-life applications of math. Ignite their passion today!
Circus Math Printable
Find The Difference Worksheet
Find The Difference Worksheet

Find The Difference Worksheet

Kindergarteners need to work out subtraction problems and get the right answers. To help them, point to the alien ship with '30' in it on the worksheet. Get them to follow a line to the equations with a difference of 30. Solving these simple subtraction problems will give the answers.
Find The Difference Worksheet
Telling The Time PDF Worksheets, Part 4
Telling The Time PDF Worksheets, Part 4

Telling The Time Worksheet: Part 4

Test your skills in telling the time! Circle the right time on 4 analog clock faces.
Telling The Time Worksheet: Part 4
Math PDF Worksheets: Cups, Pints and Quarts
Math PDF Worksheets: Cups, Pints and Quarts

Cups, Pints and Quarts Worksheet

Let your kids explore the world of math with our worksheet! Have them count cups, pints and quarts in pictures and circle the right answer. Get even more free printable math worksheets for kindergarten on our website. Come on, join the adventure!
Cups, Pints and Quarts Worksheet
Measurement PDF Worksheets: Compare Volumes
Measurement PDF Worksheets: Compare Volumes

Measurement: Compare Volumes Worksheet

Compare volumes with Kids Academy and have fun! (80 words) Practice measuring with Kids Academy and have fun! Compare volumes in pictures and circle which holds more. Keep learning with free math worksheets available on our website. Enjoy the process and have fun!
Measurement: Compare Volumes Worksheet
Add and Subtract Up to 20 Worksheet
Add and Subtract Up to 20 Worksheet

Add and Subtract Worksheet

Introduce your child to equations and advanced math concepts with this worksheet - designed to help them learn add and subtract up to 20. This logical reasoning exercise will help them gain a better understanding of math, preparing them for future success. Start early and watch them excel!
Add and Subtract Worksheet
Interactive Subtraction Worksheet PDF
Interactive Subtraction Worksheet PDF

Stellar Subtraction Worksheet

Stellar Subtraction Worksheet
Interactive Addition Worksheet for Kindergarten
Interactive Addition Worksheet for Kindergarten

Starstruck Addition Printable

This interactive addition worksheet motivates your preschooler to practice addition and analyze number combinations. Their cognitive and analysis skills will be sharpened as they find the magic number in each problem.
Starstruck Addition Printable
Match It up Worksheet
Match It up Worksheet

Match It up Worksheet

If your kids are into robots, they'll be thrilled to work on this worksheet. Ask them to name shapes they know, and help them draw and identify these shapes. Look at the shapes in the middle, and the sides. Finally, help your kids trace the lines to build the shapes in the middle.
Match It up Worksheet
Let's Regroup Worksheet
Let's Regroup Worksheet

Let's Regroup Worksheet

Counting is fun! Help teach your child with fun, colorful worksheets like this one. For simple sum-adding or counting high numbers, this printout helps them master the problems. Three equations with numbers are at the top. Guide your child to find the correct answer, then draw a line to the sum for each equation.
Let's Regroup Worksheet
Counting Maze Up to 20 Printable
Counting Maze Up to 20 Printable

Monkey Math Worksheet

Try our printable maze to 20 for an enjoyable challenge.
Monkey Math Worksheet
Grandpa and Grandma Come to Visit Worksheet
Grandpa and Grandma Come to Visit Worksheet

Grandpa and Grandma Come to Visit Worksheet

Have your kids learn about time using this worksheet. It contains pictures, accompanying texts and a clock, which you can use to help them trace the plan. Grandparents' visits and trips to their house are the perfect opportunity to practice this skill. Talk to your kids about the plan and watch them trace it to the correct clock.
Grandpa and Grandma Come to Visit Worksheet
Kindergarten Counting by Tens Worksheet
Kindergarten Counting by Tens Worksheet

Learn dozens: Space math Worksheet

This worksheet uses Singapore Math's approach to help your child visually understand basic counting and math problems.
Learn dozens: Space math Worksheet
Properties of Addition Maze: Voting Worksheet
Properties of Addition Maze: Voting Worksheet

Properties of Addition Maze: Voting Worksheet

The good citizen in the worksheet needs your child's help to vote. Ask them to draw a line through all equations with correct sums to get the citizen to the polls. Voting is the right and obligation of all good citizens. It helps elect the right candidates and exercise legal rights.
Properties of Addition Maze: Voting Worksheet
Seasons and Months Printable
Seasons and Months Printable

Seasons and Months Worksheet

Help your child explore the world around them with this fun seasons and months printable worksheet. It'll help them understand the months of the year and the seasons connected to them, teaching valuable science knowledge and skills. Plus, engaging in conversations about the current month and season will extend their learning!
Seasons and Months Worksheet
Making a Graph: Creepy Crawlies Worksheet
Making a Graph: Creepy Crawlies Worksheet

Making a Graph: Creepy Crawlies Worksheet

Let your little math whiz create a graph with this free PDF worksheet. They can count and sort the creepy-crawlies, checking off the correct number of boxes for each type. This engaging activity will help them hone their visual discrimination skills while efficiently organizing data.
Making a Graph: Creepy Crawlies Worksheet
Learning Numbers Worksheets: Learning to Write 1 PDF
Learning Numbers Worksheets: Learning to Write 1 PDF

Learning to Write 1 Worksheet

Learning to write numbers can be easy and fun! Get this new number worksheet to help your child excel. Practice counting, tracing and writing the number “one”, then circle the fish with “1” on them. Revise spelling and have fun! Get more tracing numbers worksheets at Kids Academy and enjoy the learning process.
Learning to Write 1 Worksheet
Busy Farmers: Problem Matching Worksheet
Busy Farmers: Problem Matching Worksheet

Busy Farmers: Problem Matching Worksheet

Farming is tough, so help your mathematician out with this fun and stimulating worksheet! They'll read word problems and connect each to its correct picture, using traceable lines. They'll practice addition with three addends, and use the harvest veg pictures to ensure accuracy.
Busy Farmers: Problem Matching Worksheet

The Benefits of Extra Challenge Math Worksheets for Grade 1 Students

Math is a crucial subject that every child needs to learn. It forms the foundation for numerous other subjects and is necessary for everyday life. However, for some students, math can be a challenging subject to grasp. This is why extra challenge worksheets on math are useful, especially for students in Grade 1.

Extra challenge math worksheets are designed to provide an additional challenge to students who have already been introduced to basic math concepts. These worksheets are more complex and require students to think critically, solve problems, and use logic and reasoning. They are different from regular math worksheets and are intended for students who need extra practice or are looking for something more challenging.

One of the benefits of extra challenge math worksheets is that they help students develop problem-solving skills. These worksheets offer students an opportunity to practice finding solutions to more complex problems. Through consistent practice, students develop critical thinking skills that they can apply in different aspects of their lives. They also learn to think outside of the box and come up with different strategies to solve problems.

Additionally, extra challenge math worksheets offer a unique way to keep students engaged and motivated to learn. Students who find regular math worksheets boring or repetitive may enjoy the added challenge. These worksheets are designed to be more exciting and challenging, making the process of learning math more enjoyable and fun.

Parents and teachers can also benefit from using extra challenge math worksheets with their students. These worksheets can be downloaded and printed for free, making them accessible to anyone. Parents can use them to supplement their child's math education at home, while teachers can use them in the classroom to provide students with an additional challenge.

Lastly, extra challenge math worksheets provide an opportunity for students to practice independently. These worksheets are designed to test a student's understanding of math concepts and provide them with the chance to work on their own. This encourages students to take responsibility for their learning and develop valuable skills, such as time management and self-discipline.

In conclusion, extra challenge math worksheets are a useful tool for students in Grade 1 who need extra practice and a more challenging curriculum. They help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, keep them engaged and motivated to learn, and provide an opportunity for independent practice. Parents and teachers can download and print these worksheets for free, making them an accessible resource to everyone. Overall, extra challenge math worksheets are an excellent way to enhance a child's math education and support their academic success.